The Vinyl Hour ‘Variety’ Show offers up the best in Jazz & Funk, Rock & Blues, from mild to wild, with elements of Fusion & Spoken Word thrown in for added spice, and this week, we celebrate the 17th anniversary of the Vinyl Hour with Ned Bowen. And while there’s a great many things we could say about Ned and his show, we decided to let Ned tell us about it in his own words.

Take it away, Ned!


To my fellow ‘Good Radio Listeners out there in Radio Land’:

On this, the 17th Anniversary of ‘The Vinyl Hour Radio Show’, I’d like to share just how excited I STILL AM to be a member, with you, of ‘Thin Air Community Radio’.

When the Community Building lobby was filled with like-minded radio enthusiasts some 18 years ago, we knew that KYRS-LP-FM Radio was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. And we wanted to be a part of IT! Now some of these early radio pioneers still roam the airwaves, while some others have moved onto other points of light, only to be replaced with new faces that ALSO share this same radio excitement.

The same goes with KYRS Listener-Members as well. While some can remember the early days of radio excitement, some have also moved on to be replaced with fresh sets of ears. One thing though remains the same in ALL of us; the real love of ‘Community Radio’!

When Kent & I started ‘The Vinyl Hour’ on March 11th, 2004, on a Thursday night at 8pm, there was a party up in the KYRS studio. In fact, there were celebrations most nights of the week at the station back in the early days, as the excitement among us was electrifying! We were ALL very excited to be building ‘Good Radio’.

While some of the “electrifying excitement” of the early days has waned, there still remains the desires to continue the building of a vibrant ‘Thin Air Community Radio Station’!!! And I suspect, with (1) the lifting of our COVID Abby-Normal World, allowing for the resuming of ‘Live Radio’ and KYRS events, and (2) the station relocation to the currently being renovated downtown Spokane Public Library, that most, if not ALL, of the early days “electrifying excitement” won’t be back for us to be enjoying together again!!!

With that said, I personally want to thank all of you “Good Radio Listeners out there in Radio Land”, as well as my fellow ‘Radio Volunteers’ throughout these 17 years, for all of your encouragement, support and Friendships. It’s the sharing of all that IS ‘Thin Air Community Radio’ that still gets me excited. And I look forward to all that ‘Thin Air Community Radio’ will be, as I get to do it with ALL of You.

With Sincerity, Good Radio & Peace,


We couldn’t have said it better ourselves, Ned!
Congrats on 17 amazing years. We’re all looking forward to more years to come.
If you want to get in touch with Ned, you can send him an email: VinylHour at, or, better yet, call him when he’s on the air every Thursday at 8pm at 509.747.3807.