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12:00 pm
1:00 pm
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8:00 pm]
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Providing a unique perspective on environmental news, issues and science to inform, educate, enable and create a platform for positive environmental action.
Earth Matters Now! Broadcast for May 16, 2024
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Earth Matters Now! Broadcast for May 17, 2024
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Earth Matters Now! Broadcast for February 6, 2024
Show Posts
Mike and Laura did stories on herbal teas, in fact, and the Blackfeet traditional medicine, fruits and vegetables are less nutritious than they used to be, soil and carbon, geothermal power potential, wildfires in Canada and octopus altering their genes to withstand temperatures. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on attempts by Montana to remove grizzly bear from endangered list, Superfund getting a boost from Congress, the Ute Mountain waste site stopped at taking radioactive waste, protections for wolves, birds learn the call of the wild while still in their eggs, footprints point to an early arrival in the […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on protest over lithium mining in Serbia, results of CPO 26, illegal logging internationally, a history of deadly tornados, how the rich have a majority of greenhouse gas emissions, and Biden’s efforts to control oil and gas drilling on public lands. We did three station ID’s. […]
Show Playlists
Laura and Mike did stories on climate change and emotional health, a hummingbird that disguises itself as a caterpillar, birds in danger, and the US/Canada negotiation for the Columbia River. We reported on PFAS in west Spokane, a protest letter by WDFW employees, and plastic in bubble gum. We did underwriting at 12 and 12:30, […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on a three fanged adder snake, a presentation on PFAS and geology of the West Plains, the new head of the EPA, forest biodiversity, whales moving nutrients in their urine, and a new way to remove weeds with lasers instead of herbicides. We did our underwriting announcement and three station […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on face mites, what the loss of biodiversity means, how Bonneville Power Authority is changing, lead impact on babies, the impact of Asian hornets, how H1N1 relates to avian flu, night skies in Nevada, and cacti theft in the Atacama Desert of Chile. We played the underwriting, and three station […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on stronger dishwashing soap because of meat consumption, benefits from the return of buffalo to the West, climate impact on crops in the UK, toxics in flame retardants, lead ammo impact on wildlife, a new Trump directive on timber products coming from Canada and his call to increase timber production […] […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Dr Lauren Stachowiak and Dr. Matthew Anderson, who are both professors at Eastern Washington University. The interview lasted for nearly two hours. We discussed planning for housing, transportation, the challenges with zoning and issues related to fire in the Wildland Urban Interface including evacuation and lack of infrastructure in the Latah […] […]
Laura and Mike did a series of stories on flu, bird flu vaccinations, the history of influenza outbreaks, and the challenge of protecting wildlife and chickens from the flu. We also did stories on a development in west Spokane and impacts on traffic, fire protection and lack of infrastructure. We did stories on capturing carbon […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on AI bias against environmental issues, gender equality and climate actions, avian bird flu spreading and mutating and the lack of response from the US, fish embryos can control when they hatch, Trump and Musk actions hurting the environment and NOAA’s ability to control fishing limits, beavers building a wetland […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories about black widow venom, a new giant jelly fish, how to change a place name, ancient sheep herds, biochar research to reduce toxic chromium, why southern killer whales are endangered, and microplastics in brains is increasing. We did three station ID’s, the first one at 12:00 PM. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on rodents and birds nesting in snake skins, PFAS in waste treatment solids moving to farms, a new bacteria that can eat PFAS, migrating songbirds of different species flying together, clues from winter sun and snow to help your garden, biochar as a major carbon sequester, a win for lynx […] […]
Laura interviewed Paul Lundholdt, a Professor at Eastern Washington University. They discussed environmental issues, his writing and his students. Laura did three station ID’S, the first one at 12:00 PM. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed indigenous activists Jacob John’s and Jeff Ferguson about their visit to Azerbaijan for the COP29 climate summit. We heard their solutions and activities. We did three station ID’S, the first one at 12:00 PM. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on climate and insurance coverage, the full moons of 2025, activist Jacob Johns, carbon in stars, battery storage increasing, new administration and the climate reports, grey wolves in Washington, a new report about the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission, and President Biden protecting land and water natural areas. We did […] […]
Laura and Mike did a summary of the top environmental stories of 2024, as well as read two salmon poems. We did stories about hurricanes, volcanos, earthquakes and other natural disasters, stories of salmon coming back to the Klamath River, the Montana youth climate case ruling, wolves returning to California and a story about former […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on avian flu, how Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer came to be, a 124 year old crocodile, PM 2.5 in wildfire smoke, the Montana courts upholding a climate case where young plaintiffs had sued the state, a letter over 80 organizations had sent to WA DNR regarding a land transer, […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on salmon returning after Klamath dams removed, Neanderthals and humans exchanging genetics, the Honeycrisp apple problem, how the Coeur d’Alene tribe views the climate crisis, whale defender Paul Watson being freed in Greenland, and the loss of Deborah Di Bernardo, founder of Roast House organic coffee. We did three station […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on WA Gov. Jay Inslee’s executive order on salmon recovery, solar storms impacting hi tech farm equipment, intestinal parasites in a 500 year old latrine, bones from a humanoid born over 300,000 years ago, new ways to break down PFAS, and a story about Daniel Curry, the range rider who […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on orcas balancing salmon on their heads, anti climate bills such as the “Refrigerator Freedom Act” and Liberty in Laundry Act, ancient cultures baking large pans of bread, a proposed National Monument in the North Dakota Badlands, several stories on microplastics in tires and our atmosphere, and a Spokane City […] […]
Laura and Mike interviewed 3 community activists -Joy Sheikh, Phil Larkin and Jeff Lambert about the Thorpe Property off of 195 in west Spokane and the work to keep it from being developed. This DNR property is highly valued as a natural area, and development will further the congestion and safety concerns in the area. […] […]
Mike interviewed Chris Bachman. Chris has worked promoting the restoration of wildlife and holistic native ecosystems as the paramount mission of public land management for the last decade. His work promotes prioritizing management for wildlife on our public lands, particularly wild roadless areas; and promotes conservation as the priority management policy for fish and wildlife. […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on evaporation from climate change, how coyotes are responding to humans, cats as a tool for teaching physics, Southern Orca populations and a higher chum salmon return, how gophers and fungi helped restore forests after Mt. St. Helens erupted, and a new way of measuring PFAS that promises to be […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on PFAS in products from recycled electronics, gentrification of countries by people from richer countries, questions about how the cleanup of PFAS is going in the West Plains of Spokane and Commissioner French’s role, how peat moss harvest is damaging and can be replaced by biochar, other biochar projects, and […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the changing atmospheric rivers, the challenges of recycling plate glass, the increasing gentrification of cities by Americans across the world, Indigenous input into the transition to “clean” or “green” energy, more fast growing wildfires, the legacy of mining waste, and a spooky story about whip-poor-wills. We did a two […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on trade between Norse and Indigenous Americans much earlier than previously known, how Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens may have interacted, how old growth in the Pacific Northwest is key to carbon storage, a new partnership for the Walla Walla River between Oregon and Washington, a chinook salmon take in Alaska […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on Indigenous people helping wildlife, using rats for search and rescue, wildlife populations disappearing at a record rate, making biochar from iron chloride soaked wood chips destroys PFAS, protecting old growth in Washington, conspiracy theories regarding recent hurricanes, and how fire retardant chemicals are found in household items with black […] […]
Laura and Mike interviewed our guest, Garth Davis of the Spokane Conservation Direct about Ponderosa Pine forests. Garth described Ponderosa pine, including the makeup of the native ponderosa pine forest and its fire cycle. He discussed potential impacts from the pine bark beetle, drought and non-native plants. He described what the Conservation District offers landowners, […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on how climate science is viewed, tulips, the Farm Bill and SNAP, hurricane Helene, urban canopy funded by the Inflation Reduction Act, PFAS products being banned in Minnesota, and storing carbon in the ground, with trees in wet soils. We did three station ID’s starting at 12:00 PM. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on metal exposure from environmental pollution is increasing heart disease, microplastics coming from packaging and entering humans, as well as coral, pigs are the pickiest eaters among livestock, impacts of meat diets, wolves again killed in Washington because of livestock predation, whales making unusual sounds in the deepest ocean trench, […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on bugs once meant to be worn as living jewelry, climate impacts from jet contrails, climate friendly wheat flower, PFAS in pesticides, a Biden administration attempt to remove protections for wolves, and the upcoming lunar eclipse during the full moon. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on biodiversity in deep oceans, tadpoles from more salt-polluted waters that evolved higher salt tolerance, a new cure for Covid, bad predator policy in Wyoming, a new method to break down PFAS and microplastics, and how solar panel sites can also be a place for pollinators and biodiversity. We did […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on wildfire smoke remediation for grapes, how watersheds are dramatically changing, how bats can deal with high blood sugar levels, the loss of porcupines in the Northwest and California, how insects play dead to avoid predation, the State of Utah trying to seize public federal lands so they put new […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the cultural history of the South Dakota Badlands and Black Hills, air pollution causing more severe thunderstorms, how people are harmed by their tap water, crops harmed by lack of pollinators, poisonous dyes in old books, new ways of breaking down PFAS, how bacteria can help to extract rare […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the results of the Climate and Inflation Reduction Act, a trip to South Dakota that Laura took to see the Black Hills and a serpent museum, the devastation that logging has done to the Black Hills – from an op-ed by former Deputy Chief of the Forest Service Jim […] […]
Mike did stories on PFAS and the air force in Tucson and also in Spokane, how night lights harden plants, solar storms, rat poison impacting predators around the world, need for wildfire hazard maps and fires in the west, and deep sea rocks that produce oxygen. Mike did three station ID’s and the KYRS concert […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on stormwater sewage in the Seine and other rivers, how planting too many oaks can create an air pollution problem in cities, planting milkweed can help monarch butterflies, toxins in snake bites, bacteria that can break down PFAS, problems with bringing wolves to Colorado, and a new lichen report in […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on how Impalas evade Cheetah’s, wildfire smoke and dementia, bacteria in tree bark adsorbing methane, how shad are taking over the Columbia and other rivers, the scam that plastic can be recycled, two new shark species found in Puget Sound, and how community radio is vital for Indigenous activists in […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on PFAS and womens health, and also how it is found in pesticides, how climate change is changing the rotation and length of the day, impacts of the Supreme Court overturning the Chevron doctrine, forest storing carbon and how it has changed worldwide over the years, and orcas ramming a […] […]
Laura and Mike interviewed John Hancock and Joel Loiacono of the West Plains Water Coalition. We discussed the efforts of WPWC about West Plains PFAS year 2. They are working with federal and state legislators to bring more help to those with contaminated water wells on the West Plains. We discussed how the Spokane Airport […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on how local tribes reacted to the Biden paper on damages by the Snake River dams, how Neanderthals took care of children with long term health issues, a Supreme Court ruling against a man who dredged in the Clearwater River in Idaho, new actions to protect the environment by WA […] […]
Laura and guest host Les Stephens did stories on updating covid vaccines, problems with building in fire prone areas, wildfires increasing, why Alaska rivers are turning orange, and whether cats or dogs are the best pets. They did three station ID’s. […]
Mike and Laura interviewed Roger Stevens, a local musician. Roger was also at Expo 74 in Spokane. He noted the constant evening fireworks caused a lot of air pollution. He also climber the new Pavilion with a friend and was arrested by the FBI. He met the designer of the Pavilion the next day and […] […]
Laure and Mike did stories on the $400 million settlement awarded to the Swinomish Tribe for BNSF violations, the endangered Przewalski’s horse which is the last wild horse species on Earth, the Washington Climate Commitment Act, the death of a white grizzly bear in Canada, controversial plans bioengineer polar areas, the Colorado River crisis and how […] […]
Laura interviewed Eli Deitz, the Executive Director of the Spokane Edible Tree Project. Eli grew up in an orchard family at Green Bluff. Eli talked about how fruit is gleaned from trees growing in Spokane, and how the Edible Tree Project organizes that effort. Laura did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Ruth Gifford, the exec director of the Dishman Hills Conservancy. We talked about how the Conservancy was formed, the extent of the land that is now protected, the trails and public use, the plants and wildlife and the future plans for the Dishman Hills area. We did three station breaks. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Tanya Riordan from Save Our Wild Salmon. We discussed the problems with the lower 4 Snake River dams, how to replace the barging, irrigation and power that provides. Tanya talked about the coalition with tribes, the importance of salmon and the political challenges that dam removal faces. We did three station […] […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Carol Corbin and Jonathan Teeters, from the Inland Northwest Land Conservancy. Carol is Executive Director and Jonathan is a Board member. We discussed their goals, recent acquisitions along the Little Spokane River, how their efforts were a follow-up to Expo 74, and the long term plan to help protect and restore […] […]
Laura and Mike did a special show today, during the Geographic Society of America. We interviewed Nick Zentner, geologist at Central WA University in Ellensburg, and host and writer of the PBS series Nick on the Rocks as well as his YouTube geology channel which has 85 thousand plus subscribers. Nick is in Spokane for […] […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Dr. Chad Pritchard, geology professor at Eastern WA University in Cheney, WA, licensed geologist. Chad is one of the co-chairs of the meeting of Cordilleran and Rocky Mountain Sections of the Geological Society of America that is meeting in Spokane this week. We discussed the geology of our area and his […] […]
Mike interviewed the Spokane Riverkeeper staff: Jule Schultz, Waterkeeper, Katelyn Scott, Water Protector, Katherine Thompson, Managing Director and Liv Kindle, River Cleanup and Outreach Lead. We discussed the challenges the river faces, the work they are doing to protect the river such as removing trash, restoring the watershed, and protect fish and humans from toxics […] […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Loreen McFaul, ED of Friends of the Centennial Trail, and Rex Schultz State Parks Community Engagement Manager. They talked about the basics of their organizations, and how they worked together to maintain the Centennial Trail and near the trail. They talked about the Expo celebrations and Parks is taking part in […] […]
Laura and Mike did a two hour show since this is fund drive week. We did stories on they myth that having children get sick from diseases is helpful, WA Ecology water quality projects, Federal climate projects during Earth Week, music about polar energy, a hot summer forcasted, as well as many hurricanes, Earth Day […] […]
Laura and Mike did updates on Earth Day events in Spokane, a story about PFAS and the new EPA rule, a new variety of Washington apple, ethics of diet choice, pros and cons of hydropower, a still burning toxic pile near Medical Lake, the Haida people regaining title to their land in British Columbia, and […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the solar eclipse, scientist Benjamin Banneker, the H5N1 virus, buying chicks, cleaning up your yard, lack of wild pollinators, fish spinning off the Florida Keys, how shoe soles are releasing toxic plastics and a solution to that. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the longest trail in the US, PFAS and the Spokane Airport, a lawsuit against the WA Department of Natural Resources over the logging of mature forest, how Neanderthals used adhesives, bull trout re-introduction in NE Washington, and how lizards are impacted by climate change. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did WA legislative updates, Biden administration climate and climate justice updates, the status of lampreys in the Northwest, lead found in cinnamon powder at thrift grocery stores, and update on PFAS and the Spokane International Airport, and African food sovereignty and corporate efforts to privatize farms for their profits. We did three […] […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Daniel Curry as our guest today. He is the founder of Project GRIPH and is a range rider. He works with ranchers to try and keep wolves and livestock safe and has a program that could change the shape of grazing on public lands. We also did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Bill Aal about how agriculture has been capitalized, how African nations are falling prey to the GMO and herbicide approach pushed by chemical companies and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. We discussed progress by those working on sustainable agriculture, the role of Washington State University, and his work with the […] […]
Laura Ackerman and guest host Les Stephens did stories on Daylight Saving Time, a toxic landfill at Eastern Washington State Hospital, smog in other countries, a PFAS toxic plant in North Carolina, high mercury levels in tuna, Lady Emma Tankerville – botanist, and how climate change will impact condiments. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on Buell Hollister, legless lizards, red pigment in the Bronze age, PFAS testing in the West Plains, Teck Cominco and a legaly of pollution in Lake Roosevelt, financial responsibility for oil spills, a new antidote to snake venom, the signing of the Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative and the cost of […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on grassland organisms, AI mistakes in peer reviewed journals, polar bears at huge risk, World Whale Day, micro organisms and humans after they die, extreme weather breaking records, the West Plains PFAS problem, a biomass project raising concerns in Washington and an update of Biden-Harris environmental gains. We did three […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on lights impacting moths, a new book about Neanderthals and homo sapiens electric current created by bacteria, a newborn great white shark, possible 6th category of hurricanes, the impact of the Boldt decision of 1974 on Tribes, and condors may return to the Northwest. We did three station IDs. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed John Hancock, President of the West Plains Water Coalition and member Chuck Danner about the PFAS situation in the West Plains. Chuck tested high for PFAS in his blood, his well is downstream of the Spokane International Airport. John explained the geology and how Fairchild Air Base and state and government […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on ants and biodiversity, frogs and their songs, a failure by WA DNR to protect tribal cultural sites in eastern Washington, seed catalogs, impacts and future of fires in Canada, and Alaska killing brown bears for little reason. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed two special guests, Jacob Johns and Jeff Ferguson who have been guests before, and they will be talking about their trip to the United Arab Emirates for COP 28 and their efforts as Indigenous leaders. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on vitamin deficient salmon, microplastics in water bottles, the WA legislative session, lack of recycling, nuclear energy companies laying off employees, indoor solar cells, the West Plains water coalition, and the worlds ugliest lawn. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on plastic rocks forming around the world, bighorn sheep on the Colville Reservation, clearcutting in the Canadian boreal forests, the Emerald Coast of British Columbia, and an expose by Tim Conner of how the presence of PFAS has been covered up by the Spokane International Airport and a Spokane County […] […]
Laura did stories on salmon recovery and other failures of the Army Corps of Engineers throughout the country, slowing down boats to protect Orcas, and 25 things you can do this year to help protect the environment, including eating less beef. Laura did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on plastic pollution, the 59th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, new wildfire smoke rules, PFAS in wells near Spokane, redwood seedlings surviving wildfire, early cultures in Europe eating seaweed, and a summary of conservation projects during the Biden administration this year. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on Neanderthals being morning people, why some dogs are very smart, several stories on COP 28 – the climate meeting, new designations for special rivers and a lake in Washington, new Biden administration commitments for salmon recovery, and a new carbon storage effort with crushed volcanic rock. We did three […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on Nordic uses of pine needles and bark, the respiratory illness impacting dogs, cougar and wolf threats from WA department of fish and wildlife, grizzlies near Missoula, changes in plant hardiness zone maps and new protection for Rattlesnake Mountain in eastern Washington. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on COP 28, Snake River dam removal controversy, FWS listing of the wolverine, foreign land investments in the US, a new soap for handwashing maize, shortage of olive oil and fake substitutes, hydroponics in Egypt and electric bike use. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Daniel Maingi, who lives in Kenya. Daniel spoke with us on agroecology, food sovereignty, digital agriculture, pesticide use in Kenya and Africa, and ethics. We also spoke with Bill Elle, who helped bring Daniel to Spokane. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on grizzly bears along the Idaho Montana border, climate progress between China and the US, the importance of hedgerows on farms, facts about wild turkey’s and the new virus that is impacting canines in the U.S. We did three station ID’s and talked about our guest next week, who works […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on bumblebees playing with balls, bacteria growing on bacteria, mineral development in Africa, giant trolls made with recyclables, a non chemical pigment to dye clothes, dehumanizing language and use of animals, whale attacks on boats, and a robot crushing a man in Korea. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Chad Pritchard, who is a geologist and professor at Eastern Washington University. He is going to do a study on the geohydrology of the West Plains area in Spokane County, and how PFAS are getting into private wells. The sources for the PFAS is the Fairchild Air Base, and the Spokane […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the origins of Halloween, bats, wolves, rodents, a PFAS expose in Spokane county, and a climate and biodiversity connection. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on a new study on serpents, saving a Wyoming toad, malaria increasing due to climate change, a new building material based on sea worms, industry cover up of gas stoves, an effort to make oil companies accountable in Washington, and an update on Covid 19. This was fund drive week, […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the Snake River dams, harm to wildlife from train derailments, impacts of wildfire smoke in homes, Indigenous people and colonialism, fluorescence found in most animals, gray wolves coming to Colorado from Oregon, and Washington grants to turn waste into biochar. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on agrivoltaics, groundwater pumping for hay in Arizona, Indigenous Salmon Celebration on the Snake River, how traffic sound impacts wildlife, a protective plan for Labyrinth Canyon in Utah, a plan for more nuclear plants at Hanford, and an update on climate activist Jacob Johns, who was shot two weeks ago. […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on polar bears surviving the last warming trend, patterns derived from sperm swimming, the Nobel prize to mRNA covid research, update on Western Gray Squirrel, antibiotics research, the shooting of climate activist Jacob Johns, carbon pollution from livestock and potential changes, and biochar from coffee used in concrete making. We […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on how to turn yard waste into wildlife habitat, challenges facing guard dogs, silicosis from making kitchen cabinets, defendents win Line 3 tar sands oil pipeline case, who is riding public transit around the world and water use for oil and gas fracking. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on litter along Washington roadways, wildlife deaths along roads, heart disease from lead intake, the near extinction of Rice whales, impacts of development on southwest Spokane, renewable energy and ag lands, and a lawsuit against the BLM for a lack of grazing impacts analysis. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on cheatgrass and other invasive species, the fires started by BNSF in the Columbia River Gorge, the importance of wasps, the problems with utopian sites like Biosphere 2, wild boars eating radioactive fungi 50 years after nuclear tests, damage of biodiversity and indigenous sites from the Trump border wall, and […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the Upper Sioux Agency State Park in Minnesota, Covid variants, state and federal forests and carbon sequestration, groundwater declines across the US, Tyson Foods and the USDA claiming beef can be raised with less carbon production, and impacts of volcanic eruptions on fish. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Johan Yugar, who lives in Bolivia. Mike has been in Bolivia working on a biochar project. He talked about that today with Johan Yugar whom we have viz Zoom in Ururu, Bolivia. Johan is the Project Manager for Reaccion Climatica. He told our listeners what he does and the NGO he […] […]
Host Laura Ackerman and guest Jeff Lambert of the Friends of the Bluff, discussed the impacts from the wildfires surrounding Spokane, how wildfire-spreading embers behave, and the the Transfer Land Trust program. Laura did three station ID’s. […]
Laura Ackerman and Jerusha Hampson did stories on the US Farm bill, wildlife and heatwaves and drought, how thieving rats can store history, dog parks are bad for dogs, an indigenous Snake River journey, and efforts to delist grizzly bears. They did three station ID’s. […]
Laura Ackerman and Jerusha Hampson did stories on Canadian wildfires and carbon release, bears in Romania, an ancient colossal whale, diesel emission defeat devices, homesreading with chickens and goats, and historic mass extinctions with levels of CO2 that match today. They did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on August’s full moon, nicknamed the Sturgeon Moon, wildfires in our area, the Loch Ness monster, Soap Lake designated an Outstanding Washington State Water, Oregon Senator Earl Blumenauer introducing legislation to transform US agriculture, and a 46,000 year old round worm that was revived. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on freight rail safety, the movie Oppenheimer, the impact of wildfire on animals, researchers ignoring indigenous and tribal concerns about using human remains, tragedy hitting a wild horse roundup, progress made on renewable energy, including small scale wind projects and how the history of climate predictions has narrowed the time […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on humans settling North and South America up to 30,000 years ago, fungi and chocolate enhancing foods, rural gentrification, the status of whaling in Iceland, Japan and Norway, hotter climates shrinking human brains, climate and coral reefs and biodiversity and plutocrats vs democracy impacting climate decisions. We did three station […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on rattlesnakes lowering stress with friends, the Kettle Range Conservation group winning an important lawsuit against logging old growth, lead in old telecom cables, the number of vertebrates humans eat and kill, toxicity in using aluminum foil in bbq, turtles, the doom and gloom on climate benefits for action, and […] […]
Laura Ackerman did stories on orcas ramming boats, scarcity of bluefin tuna, kids with three genetic parents, learning from the 2021 heat wave, and Les Stephens did these stories: Power grids are teetering worldwide. Here’s why. In Texas, Heat That Can Make You Faint Australian bush fires to blame for years-long La Niña affecting U.S. […] […]
Laura and Les Stephens did stories on hummingbirds and alcohol, climate change and smoke, fireworks and the environment, Australian bushfires to blame for years-long La Niña , a lawyer for forests, fungal networks fat, and fatigue-resistant materials inspired by mussels. They did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on rare apple varieties, wolverines, Pollinator Week, how insurance companies are pulling out of flood and fire risk clients, a quickly mutating Covid type found in a wastewater test, and a rare dolphin in the Gulf of Mexico. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories about the history of Earth Day, recent protests on Earth Day, bison in Yellowstone National Park, an old growth survey helped by NASA images, and a thorough review of the Washington legislative session, including which bills passed and how the budget funded programs. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura Ackerman and Les Stephens did stories on Native Americans, feathers as part of cultureal heritage and traditions, the 1918 Migratory Bird Treaty Act, an effort to delist grey wolves in Colorado, the Columbia River treaty, and how crooked the actual boundaries of Colorado are. They did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did a two hour fund drive show. We did stories on how human recreation impacts wildlife, the tallest mountains on Earth and Mars, a wolf pack in southeast Washington and a new one on Mt. Spokane, how the gas industry is challenging climate initiatives to reduce fossil fuels, and toxics from mining […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on Indigenous people and their history with horses, a new study questioning assumptions about historic fire and forests in the West, selenium coming into the US from BC mining, and several stories about how bumblebees think, learn and adapt to climate. We did three station ID’s. […]
Mike and Jerusha Hampson did stories on the Klamath dam removal and restoration project, grizzly bear threats by logging and hunting, the BNFS lawsuit win by the Swinimish Tribe, chip industry attacks on upcoming PFAS regulation, two new national monuments in Nevada and New Mexico, impacts of the prescribed fires on homeowners in New Mexico, […] […]
Mike and guest co-host Jerusha Hampson did stories on the challenges with phosphorous, indigenous collaboration with the Forest Service and new land acquired by the Colville Confederated Tribe, climbers wanting to drill bolts in North Cascades National Park, Utah wanting to build a water pipeline in St George, and the ethics of a rattlesnake roundup […] […]
Mike and guest host Les Stephens did stories on Pi origins, how bumblebees pollinate plants, breaking down PFAS with an enzyme, Yellowstone National Park at 150, how AI is helping wildlife populations, how the gas industry has withheld information about the toxicity of indoor gas applicances and new oil drilling in the Arctic. We did […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on WA State’s new plan to protect bumble bees, the evolution of action of plant roots, fungus created by alcohol vapors, new Fish and Wildlife Commissioners in Washington State, transplanting moss, and an update on the Norfolk Southern toxic derailment. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on a letter forest and climate groups sent to European Union Policymakers opposing burning primary forest biomass, the East Palestine bomb train, changes in sperm counts and penis length in men, Mexico’s Indigenous communities fighting for ecological preservation, and complicity between the EPA and a mining company. We did three […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on Cultural Survival’s open letter regarding indigenous rights, sources of PFAS, a new bee vaccine, humans impacting wolf pack behavior, cattle to be killed in Gila Wilderness, and update on WA legislation. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on a new vaccine for bees, potential legislation proposed by Cultural Survival for indigenous people, how humans impact wolf behavior, cattle being removed in the Gila Wilderness area, an update on WA legislation and tips for preserving eggs. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on how Monet and other impressionist painters may have been depicting air pollution, the train tragedy and culpability of Norfolk Southern in fighting against modern safety brakes, a huge expansion of fracked gas transport in the Spokane area, possible animal detection of earthquakes before they happen, and funding to help […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the Turkey earthquake and recovery, legislation to make it easier to kill wolves in Washington, removing the endangered status of grizzly bears in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming, Black History month and the scientist who discovered insects and other wildlife communicate, have emotions and are far more complex than we […] […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Jeff Lambert, expert on conservation lands, about the WA Trust Land Transfer program. This program allows state lands to be transferred to state parks, fish and wildlife and local entities. Jeff explained the benefits of the program and the legislation to update this program that is being considered in the Washington […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the importance of keeping housecats indoors, native seeds and pollinators and where to obtain them, Gov Inslee request for funding salmon and mitigation planning, a potential energy storage by using old mine shafts and gravity, Republican House leaders and their indifference to climate change, and a call for National […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on an ancient Spanish water system, caribou pens working in British Columbia, Nez Perce tribe in Idaho much earlier than previously thought, getting rid of invasive species on islands, PFAS found in high levels in wild fish, climate and environmental legislation in the WA legislature this year, transitioning to electric […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on honeybees and other pollinators and planting for them, Indigenous women doing prescribed fire, threatened whitebark pine and what is being done to help them, microplastics in sewage ending up on farms and in our food, the fate of octopus, and a new type of cocoon that can help trees […] […]
Laura and Mike did a live interview with Indigenous activists Jacob Johns and Jeff Fergusson about their experiences at COP 27 in Egypt last year. Jacob and John discussed the lack of real progress by leading carbon polluting countries, including the US, and put forth a vision of working together with other activists to make […] […]
Laura did stories on the connection between spirituality and conservation, the passing and life of local activist Dan Leahy, tproposed legislation in the WA state legislature related to the environment, the pros and cons of live Christmas trees and stronger regulation of gas stoves. Laura did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the Christmas pointsettia, the history of Krampus, the COP 15 biodiversity study, shootings being connected with hot weather, a renewable energy conference on the Nez Perce reservation, and a state law that allows property owners to use native plants and not turf on their lawns – after a protracted […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on why some LED streetlamps are turning purple, how hot and cold weather increases heart disease, why people who refuse Covid vaccines are also having more car accidents, problems with commercial net pens for fish, and the recent Keystone XL pipeline leak. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the timing of Solstice and winter sunsets, several top archeology stories from the past year from Mexico and Europe, a new way to break down microplastic with a magnetic absorbant, problems with Canada’s forestry program and a Texas organization, the Texas Public Policy Center, funded by the fossil fuel […] […]
Mike and Laura did stories on low frequency sounds and dancing, WA state efforts to cut emissions, oil company opposition to wind turbines using a rare species that they also impact, media investigating chemical contamination of Columbia River salmon, how root systems are shrinking due to human agriculture, and a series of short stories on […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the climate summit (COP 27), heat pumps vs insulating buildings, why shutting down coal plants didn’t hurt the grid – and how removing the lower Snake River dams probably won’t either, avoiding the “great filter” that seems to severely hurt life on our and possible other planets, and a […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on National Toilet Day and public restrooms, toilet paper, grizzly and lynx, the climate summit COP27, a Wildlife Society meeting in Spokane, and a poll about public perceptions regarding predators and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and guest host Les Stephens did stories on climate, helping bees in winter, Catholic bishop statement about the Snake River dams, heat pumps being required in new homes in Washington State, examination of skeletons, and problems with feral swine. Three station ID’s were played. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the continuing genetic impacts of the black plague, what impacts black and gray wolf ratios, an Indigenous gathering in Seattle to work on salmon issues in 3 countries, how cougar and wolves interact in Washington, economics and politics in rural communities, and recreation impacts on Washington and Alaska wildlife. […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on human relationships with beaver, turning human waste into biochar, how a Forest Service firefighter was arrested in Oregon because a prescribed fire went onto private property, the history and current status of the Indigenous Land Back movement, and a possible geothermal plant on the slopes of Mt. Hood. We […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on radiation impacts on frogs at Chernobyl, killings of environmental activists around the world, an enzyme breaking down plastics from a bug, mine tailing ponds threatening watersheds in BC and US, Neanderthals and humans sharing tools, and a fun Halloween story about humans and vampire populations. We did three station […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on Indigenous Peoples Day, the cost to Canadian taxpayers from the Trans Mountain pipeline, wolves in NW Washington were confirmed to be poisoned, salmon and indigenous efforts on the Columbia River system, frost dates in Spokane and the Indigenous led Buffalo Field Campaign. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the Buffalo Field Campaign tour, smoke in wine, a dredging lawsuit in Idaho, Greenhouses and Orangeries, gleaning for food at the end of the season, a new report on salmon recovery and Snake River dam removal, and the pipeline gas leaks in Europe. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the Big Cat Public Safety Act and how WA elected officials voted on it, range contractions for African Species, the increased cost of hay, a Gonzaga U grant for climate education, China and international fishing, spraying particles around the poles to refreeze the lost ice, and behavior in the […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on mole rats, invasive mice in the northeast, worldwide attack on climate protesters, the real results of carbon capture and storage, a thanks to Doug Pineo, Yvon Chouinard donating his company to a non profit, and a zero emission electric vehicle. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the climate and water shortages in Europe, heat pumps, Neanderthals, medical issues with screen time, the Yakima Nation, the old canals in Phoenix, and wildfires in the West. We did three station ID’s. […]
Mike and Les did stories on how collaboration in the Yakima basin might be a model for the Colorado River, things being accomplished to slow climate change, aftermath of the Lytton fire and a lawsuit in British Columbia, weather in Europe, and conservation groups trying to protect a bull trout stream on Lake Pend Oreille. […] […]
Mike Petersen and guest host Les Stephens did stories on climate, loss of tree species, a new method to break down PFAS, heat wave in Europe and lawn watering contest, salmon and the Snake River dams, arctic thawing and endangered wolves. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did three stories on rattlesnakes, the Yakima Nation’s efforts to clean up Hanford nuclear waste, how dust in the Sierra Nevada may impact trees and organisms, how large vs small mammals react to climate change and using ants to protect crops. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on Covid, pollinators, pollution in the Thames, a bear shooting in a National Park, failure to clean up a contaminated site in New Mexico, plastic impacts on humans, and a smart way to reduce rat populations. We did 3 station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the Snake River salmon lawsuit, the far right using large trucks to harass and hurt protesters, wildlife and Cody Desautel of the Colville Confederated Tribe, legislation supporting the National Science Foundation, as well as the Climate, Tax and Health bill passing the Senate, and how cooling buildings has increased […] […]
Laura and Mike did several stories on Covid, Omicron and vaccinations, invasive species around the world, impacts from cattle grazing on public lands, a Nez Perce Tribe lawsuit against a gold mine, the Manchin climate and oil leasing legislation and climate impacts on wildlife in Africa. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on bumble bees going extinct, theories on Prairie Madness, where a cactus in Africa came from, exercising in nature, the power grid and Snake River dams, heat pumps, and importance of beaver restoration. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on rattlesnake venom, insect genomics, Covid 19 impacts and new variants, what state and local people can do to respond to climate change, Colville Tribe “seed bombs” and youth participation after wildfire, over stating the carbon capture by industry and fires in Europe. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on Indigenous language and loss of plant/animal diversity, a new boat to remove plastics from water, a salmon release by the Coeur d’Alene Tribe near Spokane, a new WA wildlife diversity council, world population growth rates, the July full moon, and misleading labeling for grass or grain fed beef. We […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on pollinators, urban planting, natural gas dangerous chemicals, the Supreme Court decision on coal plant operations, Site C dam moving forward in British Columbia and carbon capture. We did 3 station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on lawns, urban planting, biodiversity, wolf scandal in New Mexico, agriculture and solar in Washington, new cultural legislation for public lands, hazards of gas stoves, and how the US budget funds military at the expense of health and environment We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on Juneteenth and food, human-generated litter on Mars, environmental racism, climate modelling, the Sinixt regaining rights in Canada, passage of the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, and a worm that can eat styrofoam. We did 3 station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on: 10 Drought-Tolerant Crops to Plant Amid Water Scarcity, the origin of National Forest placards by Bus Carrell, the lab costs of Covid tests and who paid for it, Washington Dept of Wildlife to kill wolves, resurgence of Alberta tar sands oil, the Inslee Murray Snake River dams study, and […] […]
Mike did stories on killing wildlife by Wildlife Services, the new Spokane Water Conservation Ordinance, carbon credits, Monarch butterflies, insects that benefit from warming, a letter on wilderness from Carole King, and a public lands conference focused on grazing, predators and climate change. He did three station ID’s. […]
Laura did stories on flying salamanders in the canopy, termites, dogs and changing names inpacted by the environment, and the impacts of crypto currency, and tracking the whooping cough bacteria. Laura also did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on salmon and the Snake River dams, Spokane’s new water conservation ordinance, wolf predation in NE Washington, possible retrofit of dams with hydropower, the crypto project in Pend Oreille County, snake venom also having bacteria, and avian flu deniers. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed George Taylor, a former pastor who was arrested for blockading a railroad track from oil trains. George told the story of his trials and hearings, which culminate in his necessity defense being upheld by the Washington Supreme Court. A few months before his trial, Burlington Northern Sante Fe railroad dropped charges […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on bumblebees endangered, the avian flu and how to euthenize your chickens, climate and colonialism, land conservancy tax scams, a new orca born off the Oregon coast, a levee removed from the Green River near Auburn, WA and a critique of the 30 by 30 land protection plan. We did […] […]
Mike and Laura did stories on Yellowstone wolf behavior, the avian flu outbreak, spending time outdoors, being real about climate goals, catapulting spiders, solar projects being postponed, and a satire piece about Americans and gas prices. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did the spring fund drive. We also did stories on a study of Fox News viewers watching CNN, the direction of the IPCC, an update on Earth Day, skin bacteria that vibrate and indicate when antibiotics are at work, a renewable energy record in California, and bad air quality in the West. […] […]
Laura did a solo show, including stories on the WA Climate Commitment Act, dealing with mice in the house, the most populous animals on Earth, the upcoming meteor shower, migrating birds and the Snake River dams. She did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on fungi communicating, micro plastics found in human lungs, Jamestown colonists eating dogs, changes and energy exploitation in the arctic ocean, the history of the Avars, and corporations buying farmland. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on a fracked gas facility in Oregon, rotating garden plants, pushback on wolf rulemaking in Washington, Covid and vaccines, coal investments soaring, and a proposed legislative package that could boost clean energy as well as river conservation. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Chris Bachman, the Wildlife and Wildlands Director for the Kettle Range Conservation Group. Our focus was on wolves in the Northwest, as well as a rulemaking effort by the WA Fish and Wildlife Commission. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories about the most toxic plant in America, the Japanese plant celebration, Beth Robinette and her connection to Indigenous lands, the newest Covid variant, unhealthy Bureau of Land Management Lands and livestock grazing, lead poisoning from 50 years ago and how it impact IQ’s and health, why North Amerian grapes are […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on Ukrainian wheat, A luminescence reaction that can detect contamination with organophosphates, salmon legislation failing in Washington, pollutants from tires impacting waterways, importance of insects, and American relief to Russia during a famine 100 years ago. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Carrie Herman and Tanya Riordan of Save Our Wild Salmon (SOS). We discussed the lower Snake River dams and upcoming SOS events. We also did a story on steps to reduce dependency on Russian oil. We did 3 station ID’s […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the threat of octopus farming, zodiac light from Mars dust, how bitcoin and cybercurrency is reviving old coal plants, a UN conference on plastic reduction, a new way to break down plastics, the new climate report from the IPCC and why some scientists think they need to stop making […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the housing market in Spokane, native and non-native cultivars for pollinators, fires on ships at sea and trash, land given back to the Kalispel Tribe, Hadrian’s Wall under threat from climate change, methane leaks from Russian pipes and facilities, and support for the 30 by 30 conservation proposal in […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on 7 unneeded commercial holidays, wild lions in Europe, plastics in the environment, whether divesting from fossil energy stocks works, Seattle Power and dams on the Skagit river, why corn ethanol may be creating more greenhouse gases than fossil fuels, and a plan for buffalo in Yellowstone Park. We did […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on messaging around climate change, reviving the once extinct Aurochs, the loss of the Pacific Lamprey, wolves in Yellowstone and on the Mexican border, how fracking and oil may be running out, and how gas stoves leak methane even when they are off. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Jacob Johns, an indigenous climate activist based in Spokane. Jacob described his time at the COP26 meetings in Glasgow, effective activism on climate and also how his artwork helps highlight historic indigenous figures. It was a full hour of insights into climate issues and activism. We did 3 station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on search and rescue in Washington State National Parks, the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai eruption, Supreme Court threats to the Clean Water Act, new tribal land return in northern California, local events, pollinators and urban gardens, a four legged snake fossil, and Serbia revoking a lithium mine permit due to politics. […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on climate legislation in Washington, earthquakes and fracking rules in Texas, an effort to give away free gear on the internet, threats to national environmental regulations in the US, how smell is analyzed, rodent impacts on Monarch butterflies, and comparisons of plant based milk (oat and almond). We did three […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on wetland mapping, free dates in WA Parks and their significance, plastics in laundry, possible changes to WA Department of Fish and Wildlife, wolves, Desmond Tutu and aquamation (vs cremation), Snake River salmon, being evangelical and a climate activist, and planting of sagebrush by a prison team. We did three […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on urban gardening, composting, food waste, nuclear waste in Idaho, Tracy Stone Manning interview as new head of the Bureau of Land Management, returned land for the indigenous tribe Mashpee Wampanoag, and CN Rail winning the right to privately prosecute northern B.C. activists. We did three station IDs’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on archeology, including the Roots of Violence, the top 10 archeology finds of 2021, and other archeology stories from around the world. We did stories on the top 10 environmental stories in 2021 in the Pacific Northwest, and a special story on a fictional visit to the plastic garbage dump […] […]
Mike and Laura did stories on how birds learn the call of the wild while still in their eggs., footprints point to an early arrival in the Americas, ,Ancient Siberians traded far and wide. new Superfund monies to clean up toxic sites and threats to grizzlies in Montana from politicians. We did three station ID’s. […] […]
Mike and Laura did stories on COP 26 outcomes, history of strong tornadoes, Biden’s oil and gas on public lands policy, rich people and greenhouse gas emissions, lawsuit to protect wolves in Idaho, and ammonia as a possible green energy. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on invertebrates, plastics impacting humans, sperm whales, Covid 19, the Snake River dams, climates migrations, apple tree trellises and automation, and a murdered Chilean activist. We did 2 station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on urban forests, soil microbes and fungi, a unique ant situation in Poland, and possible origin of water on earth from the sun. We did three station ID’s and Giving Tuesday announcements. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the recently passed Infrastructure legislation, the historic use of camas, the scarcity of pumpkins this year in some states, the increasing reliance on imported fruits and vegetables in the U.S., an update on Covid 19 numbers around the world, and the reintroduction of Canadian lynx by the Colville Tribe. […] […]
Laura Ackerman and Les Stephens (filling in for Mike Petersen) did stories on climate depression is real. And it is spreading fast among our youth, for Indigenous People, Biden can make or break his legacy with the farm bill, global climate change may impact crops within 10 years, Earth lakes are warming at a feverish […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the history of wolves in Europe, COP 26 climate summit results, wildfire and indigenous burning in California, a court ruling against the US Army Corps of Engineers regarding water quality, how the Nooksack Tribe is responding to melting glaciers, and local events coming up in Spokane. We did three […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on wolves and werewolves in Norway and Ireland, why leaves turn in the fall, climate impacts on tree growth, Snake River dam impacts and solutions, looking at climate solutions from a sufficiency vs efficiency perspective, and the COP 26 meetings. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on a deadly swine flu spreading across the world, wood buildings in Sweden, challenger to Rep Mike Simpson, passage of the Wild Olympics legislation, crabs evolving, new standards for PFAS, and electric grid challenges. We did 3 station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on Columbus and connections to Italy, Indigenous Peoples Day, Indigenous Land Acknowledgement, the upcoming COP climate summit in Scotland, a biodiversity summit in China, and impacts of climate on 80% of the land in the world. We did 3 station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on venom (3), wildfires in the West, a lawsuit by the Swinimish Tribe regarding a fish pen on their historic fishing site, climate change creating a permanent drought in the West, and dam removals across the U.S. We did three station ID’s. […]
Mike and Les did stories on climate protests in New York, efforts to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, origin of Arabica coffee, the BLM killing wild horses, pine disease in Italy, luminescence in the ocean, and the White Earth fight against Enbridge line 4. We did 3 station ID’s. […]
Mike and Les did stories on climate, civil disobedience to protect old growth in British Columbia, a new group – Washington Wildlife First, a grazing lawsuit, Indigenous land acknowledgement, science in China and a potential thorium based reactor. We did three station ID’s […]
Mike and Les did stories on precipitation and wildfire smoke, endangered ferriginous hawk, the Climate Change Corps, an experimental vineyard seeks to save wine from climate change The Washington Post, A Code Red for Humanity UN report NYT, Antarctic Penguins Laughing Gas nitrous oxide, and COVID mortality and enzyme mechanism identified. We did three station […] […]
Mike Petersen and Les Stephens did stories on G20 resident views on the climate crisis, rattlesnakes that change their frequency to keep animals away, an oxygen crisis in Florida that links water treatment with Covid oxygen needs, wildlife needing water in the Colorado Basin, and the first rainfall at the highest point in Greenland. We […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on wildfires around the world, Oregon Gov. Browns support for Snake River dam removal, the Pentagon’s carbon footprint, a newly found carnivorous bog plant, pollinators and how Indigenous people and bears shared similar ground in British Columbia. We did 3 station breaks. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the IPCC climate report, Indigenous peoples across the world, drought in central Asia, resources to understand climate change and white tail deer having Covid19 antibodies. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura did stories on a Black man began tracking Cicadas almost 300 years ago, grasshoppers invading Montana, bumblebees in Alaska and extreme weather events. Three station ID’s were done. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the Greater Yellowstone’s challenges as humans move in, salmon and steelhead dying in the Columbia, Snake River dam removal, urban shading, insects and their decline and updates on the heat dome. We did 3 station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the heat wave, Bootleg fire, pyrocumulonimbus clouds, climate change skepticism, heat deaths, soda lakes from around the world, and the sale of the Easterday Farm. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura did stories on the heatwave, how to water better, impact of heat on dragonflies, orca L25, fisheries closing in Canada, and new research on how Covid 19 may have jumped from animals to humans by altering its genes. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on climate and the International Energy Agency’s shift, potential of hydrogen, rich men flying to space, rattlesnakes and our heat wave in Spokane. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the heat dome, greening neighborhoods, salmon impacted by hot water, rattlesnakes, the Totem Pole blessing ceremony, revising the National Monuments that Trump shrunk, and new info on plastics. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura did stories on feeding wild animals, the City Council’s Sustainability Action Subcommittee looking for comments on the Spokane Sustainability Action Plan, geologic activity on Earth, human ageing and the size of birds declining. Laura did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Sam Mace and Carrie Hermann from Save Our Wild Salmon. We discuss proposed legislation (by Rep Simpson of Idaho) to remove the Snake River dams and the challenges that faces. We did two station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on Snake River salmon, early morning activity of plants, youth working to protect oceans, the cooling effect of clouds and temperatures in and near the sun. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on health issues and climate change, inter glacial climate periods, wolves and reduction in deer-automobile collisions, and Washington Tribal reaction to Gov Inslee’s veto of legislation important to them. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on heat-induced male infertility, bird species that are most common, economic forecasts predicting the potential impact of climate change, mercury coming from melting glaciers in Greenland, and which companies produce the most plastic. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on plastic pollution and a fungi that can break it down, an electric vehicle tax in Texas, CO2 levels rising to highest in millions of years, and ghost forests. We did 3 station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike discussed National Wetland Month, renewable energy progress and targets, the ongoing efforts to protect Oak Flats, and poor air quality caused by food production. We did three station ID’s […]
Laura and Mike did stories on old growth trees in British Columbia, limiting population and increasing justice, a funeral for a glacier, pollinators, recycling electric car batteries, carbon tax and a subside for increasing carbon in farming, and the impacts of climate on lumber prices. We did three station ID’s. […]
Mike and Laura did stories on plastic pollution and impacts on humans and wildlife, PFAS in ski wax, polar bears breeding with grizzly bears, and the steady 1% decline in sperm counts, testosterone and fertility. We did 3 station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on venemous snakes, a blokade on Vancouver Island, 3D model for spider vibrations, foxgloves evolving for hummingbirds, CO2 levels rising during the pandemic, and solar rules in various states. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on a UK plan to monitor their ocean territories, a story about finding PFAS, arsenic and lead in many drinking water systems, Rep. Simpsons proposal to remove the lower Snake River dams, climate impacts on snowmelt and water in the West, and the need to have corridors for wildlife in […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on venomous spiders coming out in Australia, President Biden’s infrastucture proposal, using baby talk on pets, legislation that will impact bears and wolves in Montana, and cloudseeding studies in the West. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the origin of the Bing Cherry name (Chinese immigrant), whales responding to human hunting, World Water Day, renewable energy and unions, and species that biofluoresce. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on global sustainability, forest dieback in Europe, hummingbirds and sounds, social and economic costs of the Texas and other climate events, and Steamboat Geyser in Yellowstone. We did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on new Neanderthal interactions, the possible end of the proposed copper mine at Oak Flats, WA legislative updates, a new salmon report for the Columbia Basin, and several stories on climate change. We did the Tom Angell underwriting and three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on delayed gratification in cuttlefish, dangerous particles (PM2.5) in wildfire smoke, new ways of testing whisky from Scotland, how the Colorado River basin is changing with climate change, and two articles on invasive species. We thanked Tom Angell for years of underwriting and did three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the new national climate advisor, Gina McCarthy, Washington climate legislation, some states taking action against climate activists, solar power metering, a new Congressional wildfire caucus and human statistics from climate change and pollution that are hurting people of color the most. We did the underwriting and three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on an Ice Age horse and indigenous implications, potential flooding in the Columbia Basin, Stonehenge, how deforestation can cool the planet in some places due to albedo, and an update on Washington State environmental legislation. We did the underwriting and three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on noise in the worlds oceans, the Rep Simpson proposal to remove the Snake River dams, bats expanding due to climate change, Biden administration appointees, and a potential nuclear waste site in New Mexico. We did the underwriting announcement and three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on a request to the USDA to review timber projects, why cats like boxes, legislative actions for Washington State, the Dakota Access pipeline, fluoridation impacts on pregnant women, and the CO2 load of watching Zoom meetings. We did the underwriting announcement and three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on burying beetles, President Bidens executive orders on climate and energy, the Tiger Rattlesnake, blocking the Millenium coal termianl and praying mantis’. We did three station breaks and the underwriting. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on animals evolving to not be impacted by snake venom, Hanford geologist Zelma Maine Jackson, Washington State greenhouse gas emissions endangered species, and the Biden transition. We did the underwriting and three station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on new rules from WA Dept of Commerce and UTC on greenhouse gas and moving from carbon based electric generation, the end of the Millenium coal terminal, Biden appointees, and a new hope for creating drugs that are not creating resistance from drugs to microbes. We did the underwriting and […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on very young children’s perceptions of their urban environment, the passing of Deb Abrahamson (Spokane Tribe activist and warrior). the Kalama methanol refinery, and the Puyallup Tribe lawsuit against the salmon killing Electron Dam. We did the underwriting announcement and three station ID’s. […]
Laura Ackerman did the show, station ID’s and underwriting announcement. She read from Archaeology magazine which is a publication of the Archeological Institute of America. She also read a few of the decade’s 10 most extraordinary discoveries. […]
Mike did stories on WA Gov Inslee’s budget and conservation priorities, how American and Texas feel about climate change, President-Elect Bidens cabinet picks, and the scam that Real Trees is doing to make money on carbon credits. Mike did the underwriting announcement, as well as two station ID’s […]
Laura and Mike did stories on where plants and animals move, and relationship to climate, a lawsuite on ATV’s against the Colville National Forest, manmade materials now outweigh all life on Earth, Biden picks for Department of Interior, wild crop plants, the cleanup of Kendall Yards in Spokane, and critical plants needed to sustain the […] […]
Mike did the show solo. He did stories about a new carbon emission plan for Vancouver, WA, tires causing salmon to die in Puget Sound, and potential Biden appointees for cabinet posts. Mike did underwriting announcement and three station ID’s […]
Laura and Mike did stories on ants that grow exoskeletons, stopping the Pebble Mine in Alaska, a new way to look at climate and coastal hazards from FEMA, the Nez Perce tribe and salmon, and the Swinomish Tribe and their leading efforts at climate change adaptation and mitigation. We did the underwriting and 2 station […] […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the Kalama Methanol refinery being denied a permit, Biden nominees, the Great American Outdoors Act and Colville National Forest projects, turkey eggs, and the Food and Agriculture Climate Alliance. We did underwriting and station ID’s […]
Laura and Mike did stories on TB found in a British man living in 200 BC, wolves impacting beaver and wetlands, murder hornets, biochar in removing water contaminants, impact of bicycles on rare wildlife in BC and artificial lighting impacts on urban wildlife. We the the underwriting and two station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on Enloe dam removal, and Army Corps of Engineers whistleblower, nuclear vs other renewables and impact on carbon, and Presidential election outcomes related to the environment. We did the underwriting and two station ID’s […]
Laura and Mike did stories on apples spreading from the Silk Road, microgrids, trench fever, the carbon footprint of recycling paper and wildlife crossings along Hwy 97. We did the underwriting and two station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did an extended Halloween Fund Drive show. We did stories on the Climate lawsuit in Oregon, Snake River dams, the energy discussion during the recent Trump and Biden debate, and potential dust bowl in the midwest. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on dog wool in the Pacific Northwest, fungi growing on old twinkies, Trump enacting dozens of regulatory changes before the election, birding in cemetaries and BLM former director Pendley. We did two station ID’s and the Tom Angell underwriting announcement. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on pesticides and liver damage, electric vehicles, nuclear fusion and environmental noise pollution. We did our underwriting and 2 station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on a venemous amphibian, a finally released polar bear study, climate change and policy responses, a ban in England of plastic straws and stirrers, California wildfires and Republican rejection of science – COVID 19 and climate. We did the underwriting and station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on Fairy circles, Organic Harvest Month, 5g network issues and plastics. We did our underwriting and two station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories about birds dying from wildfire smoke, fires and nitrous oxide, Viking genetics, and relationship between Covid 19 and wildfire smoke symptoms. We did our underwriting and station ID’s […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the wildfires in Washington, including the loss of a covered bridge, a new baby Orca, a story by Chad Brown about racial justice and the outdoors, mountain lions and old growth forests in Alaska. We did two station ID’s and the Tom Angell underwriting post. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the psychology of the frontier mentality and behavior, the Department of Energy not wanting to train on racial equity as well as pushing plutonium production. We also did stories on blue jean microparticles, cats and Gov Insless action to protect wolves. We did our station ID’s and underwriting. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the Pebble Mine in Alaska, plastic micro particles in humans, and budget cuts to WA Department of Fish and Wildlife. We did the underwriting announcement and 2 station iD’s […]
Laura and Mike did stories on Monarch butterflies, the 21 inch tree restriction in Oregon, concrete and green alternatives, climate modeling and electric vehicles, and environmental impacts on people of color. We did the underwriter and public service announcements. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on Neanderthals, Nagasaki and Hiroshima, keeping the French countryside as sensory heritage, critical habitat lawsuits, and Marathon Petroleum closing a plant. We did the underwriting announcement and two station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on wild animals and heat, the signing of the Great American Outdoors Act, and investing by corporations as climate changes. We did the underwriting and two station ID’s […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the British Columbia wolf kill, the media bias of climate reporting, the Trans Alta pipeline, wasps and soil health. We did the underwriting for Tom Angell and two station ID’s […]
Laura and Mike did stories on methane emissions, cattle eating lemon grass, bushmeat and NEPA changes. We did our underwriter announcement and station ID’s. […]
Mike and Laura did stories on snakes, algae in mountain lakes and impacts of climate change on ski resorts. We did the underwriting announcement and station ID’s […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the Dakota Access pipeline lawsuit win, the arctic, new wildlife corridor legislation, bicycling advertising that was anti-car, and the Columbia River Treaty. We did the underwriting announcement, and two station ID’s […]
Mike did stories on how rattlesnakes spread seeds and plant diversity, a blocked old growth logging project on the Tongass National Forest, the release of the House climate action plan and a letter from a teacher disputing the moon landing and Neil Armstrongs response. Station ID’s and the underwriting announcement were also done. […]
Mike read the letter from Marilyn James of the Sinixt Tribe regarding the proposed Zincton Resort in the Canadian Selkirks, a behind the scenes campaign against climate advocacy by Chevron and WDFW lethal wolf kill order. Mike also read the underwriting and station ID’s. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on new rules for the Forest Service, wolverines in Washington and wildfires in siberia. We did station ID’s and our underwriter announcement for Tom Angell. […]
Laura and I did stories on the new Trump order to reduce oversight of federal project, the Summit Gap Centernnial Trail survey, renewable energy in India, and Europe and poaching in Washington State. We did the underwriter and station ID announcements. […]
We did stories on NEPA rollbacks, climate, planet wildlife problems, the lower Snake River dams and air quality in Australia over the decades. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the Toxic Substances Control Act, the 4 lower Snake River dams, a mine cleanup in Colorado and the upcoming global climate strike […]
We did stories on WA Ecology fining US Dept of Energy over Hanford information problems, civil disobedience for climate action, an industry report on removal of Snake River dams and the fires in Australia and what to do about them. […]
We tried to do positive stories for the end of the year show. This included top archeological finds, top science finds, a possible conversation between salmon fishermen and farmers and Washington being ranked the best state in the country. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the new White Sands National Park in New Mexico, mining threats to the bottom of the ocean, weather extremes in 2019 and extraction of DNA from ancient chewing gum. […]
We did stories on Christmas trees, help for WA tribes impacted by rising seas, the movement of the magnetic pole and the Alaska roadless rule controversy. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on computer simulation accuracy with climate models, the American Prairie Reserve, how communities react to climate change, and the BLM losing staff as it moves offices west. […]
Mike did stories on new farmland becoming salmon habitat, selling off investments in fossil fuel companies and the Philosophy of Wonder by Jennifer Stitt. […]
We did stories on apple trees and seeds, Trump gutting environmental regulations and several stories on climate change. […]
Laura interviewed Johan Yugar from La Paz Bolivia – about climate, fires, etc in South America. […]
We discussed Neanderthals, old growth logging in BC, moonlight and impacts on animals, and outdoor concerts that Annea Lockwood did. […]
We discussed a workshop for the public on Snake River dam removal, border wall destruction of native biodiversity, and wildfires and climate leading to loss of biodiversity. […]
Laura interviewed Sam Mace of Save our Wild Salmon – to discuss wild salmon, dams, habitat. […]
We interviewed Kathlyn Kinney about biogas work she is doing in Spokane […]
We interviewed Garrett Havens from the No on 976 campaign – the auto fee bill. […]
Laura Ackerman and Jeff Lambert did stories on teaching young people, trail making,wooly mammoths, and hazardous pipelines […]
We did stories on a letter Gov Inslee just sent to WDFW regarding wolves, bacteria adapting to antibiotics, bacteria in the earths crust, and climate change. […]
We did stories on the Climate Strike, Greta Thunberg, antimicrobial resistance in meat that we eat, the loss of bird populations in the U.S, toxins and plastic in drinking water, and the health care costs of global warming. […]
We discussed the Trump admin opening up wildlife refuges to hunting, problems with old mines not being cleaned up and read a speech by Greta Thunberg. We then interviewed Maggie Gates about the upcoming Climate Strike. […]
We did stories on the Navaho Nation and coal mines, Disney studios and the Lion King and protecting lions, Liz Cheney’s comments on how Native Americans we trying to destroy her Western way of life, better air conditioning methods, and Greta Thunberg inspiring South American activists. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Johan Yuger, a Bolivian climate activist who is a Fellow at the Lands Council on the Amazon rainforest fires. We also did stories on spiders, the National Environmental Policy Act, and American cooking and eating habits. […]
Laura, Mike and Chris talked about wolves, Laura did stories on radioactivity from the Church Rock incident and plastic in the arctic. Mike did stories on coal plants and renewable energy in China. […]
Laura was joined by Chris Bachman and Jeff Lambert, who are learning how to be programmers. Laura did stories on the move of the Department of Agriculture to Kansas, Chris did a story on wildfire, and Jeff did a story on tropical land disappearing into the ocean. […]
This show was a repeat of the July 30 show. […]
Laura interviews Lindsay Box, of The Lands Council about upcoming hikes and events. Laura also did a story on National Parks, and the studies on ancient bone fragments and food. […]
We did stories on risky outdoor play, plants surviving the little ice age, sunscreen and solar energy. […]
Laura and Mike reported on Mighty Earth, who claims that the Cargill company is the worst in the world due to their deforestation, and other bad agricultural practices. We then interviewed Jeff Lambert of the Dishman Hills Conservancy about their summer events, as well as his idea to have Beacon Hill become a State Park. […]
Mike did stories on the bioelectric web in soils and water, a fox that travelled from Sweden to Canada in 78 days. Mike then interviewed Jerry White, the Spokane Riverkeeper, on water quality variances proposed by dischargers and WA Ecology. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on renewable energy, plastic in the world’s oceans, an interview between Greta Thunberg and Alexandria Ocasia Cortex, and modelling endangered species. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the Inside Passage cruise to Alaska, the metal pollution threat in the Coeur d’Alene Lake, the costs of sea level rise along the Pacific coast and the Spokane Tribe solar program. […]
Mike interviewed Chris Bachman, Lands Council, and Ivonne Joy, intern to Chris about wildlife, wolves and climate. […]
Laura and Mike talked about a salamander eating plant in Ontario, the World Environmental Day focused on air quality, the EPA failing at oversight on pesticides, oil spill prevention plans, a salmon celebration by the Colville Confederated Tribe and a new study showing methane leakage is far higher than the EPA and industry had accounted […] […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper. She is the author of The Green Amendment which is about giving individuals the right to clean air, water and a healthy environment – within a states bill of rights. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on youth organizing for a Sep 20 general strike for climate change, composting human bodies, ancient fungi and pandemic flu viruses. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the first brown bear in Portugal in a century, the EPA lowering water quality standards, a new continent that is mostly underwater, old growth issues in Alaska, and capturing human DNA in Scandanavia from birch bark pitch. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on urban forests and climate, forest legislation a Tacoma liquified natural gas terminal and the BNSF rail bridge over lake Pend Oreille. […]
Laura and Mike reported on an Oregon LNG project that was denied a permit, student climate strikes, led by Greta Thunberg, bumblebees and having students help their parents understand climate change. […]
We discussed the clean energy bills in Washington State that have passed, orcas and salmon and Snake River dams, and the UN report on species extinction due to climate change. […]
We discussed poor countries impacted by global warming, the ethics of gold, and Jess Roskelley, the climber who died in Canada. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the Amazon, the Rock Creek mine, bees and climate warming in the arctic and climate activism. […]
We did stories on wildfire and snowpack in Washington, wolves, orca whale legislation in Washington and funding for the Land Water Conservation Fund. […]
Mike and Laura did stories on a deadly fungal bacteria that impacts amphibians, battery storage, the Washington Oil Volatility legislation and the Youth Climate Strike. […]
Mike and Laura interviewed Jeff Lambert, Executive Director of the Dishman Hills Conservancy. We also did stories on renewable energy and the movement of heat loving bacteria in our atmosphere. […]
Mike and Laura discussed climate issues, loss of biodiversity, whales, snowmaking, and threats to Utah’s roadless areas. […]
Laura interviewed Dave Schaub and Todd Dunfield of the Inland NW Land Conservancy about their work throughout eastern Washington and north Idaho. […]
Laura and Mike did a special one hour fund drive show. We discussed feeding wildlife, the WA oil volatility bill, the clean electricity bill, uses for spent mascara tubes and an Oregonian story on politics and campaign money. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on tourism and sustainability, climate change and plastic bags. […]
Laura and Mike discussed plastic bags, communicating about climate change, loss of a butterfly sanctuary at the border and an oil spill in Canada […]
Mike did stories on climate science – hot and cold extremes, how death and disease in the America’s caused a change in climate, challenges by Nevada against plutonium shipments, and the Green New Deal. […]
Laura did stories on Washington State bills, including the plastic packaging bill, several energy bills, several wildlife bills – where she interviewed Chris Bachman of the Lands Council. […]
Mike did stories on environmental legislation in Washington State, Germany phasing out coal plants and how solar and wind are making inroads in many states including Florida and states in the midwest. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on pollution and human behavior in China, a sustainable diet, the quick movement of magnetic north and an update on Washington State legislation related to the environment. […]
Mike and Laura interviewed Phil Hough, Executive Director of the Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness. We discuss the importance of protecting this area, strategies to do that, and wildlife in the area. […]
Laura and Mike did stories about Exxon Mobil and their anti climate change efforts, a possible reform of the 1872 Mining Law, a possible Green New Deal and the acting Secretary of the Interior. […]
Laura and Mike brought in the new year with stories about oil supply and demand, Trump rollbacks on mercury emissions from coal plants, public lands legislation and a new species discovery at the micro level. […]
We discusses a possible carbon tax, new science findings through the year, and multiple stories on archeological finds. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on potential replacements for Interior Secretary Zinke, who resigned. We discussed food choices related to carbon emissions and indigenous activists blockading a new pipeline. We also talked about consumerism and our cultural urge to buy projects. […]
Mike and Laura interviewed Kris Major, the City of Spokane recycling and solid waste educator. We discussed what could and couldn’t be recycled, markets, plastic bag ban and composting. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on Neanderthals, Farm Bill legislation, the impacts of climate change on some of the worlds cultures and languages, and the plutonium disposal problem. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed David Camp, who does marketing for Northwest Renewables and is on the Board of 350 Spokane. We discussed solar panels and their role in 100% renewable energy for Washington State. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Khusniddin Alikulov, who is a Fellow in the Community Solutions Program. We discussed solid waste and recycling and his project to improve both in Uzbekistan. […]
Laura and Mike did a pre-recorded interview with filmaker and educator David Moskowitz. We discussed his presentation Caribou Rainforest, and other wildlife topics. […]
Laura did stories on the kids Climate Change lawsuit, energy, global institutions and a climate and vulnerability index. […]
Laura and I interviewed Jennyfer Mesa on the WA initiative 1631. She works for the Yes on 1631 campaign […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the influenze pandemic, climate change and state initiatives […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Cadie Olsen, city of Spokane about the recent sustainability trip to Denmark and Sweden that she and about two dozen other took. We discussed transit, an eco park and taking lessons back to Spokane […]
Laura and Mike prerecorded a show with stories about climate, water and wildlife. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Nick Abraham, the communications director for the Yes on 1631 campaign. We talked about what the ballot measure would mean for climate change, gas prices, and other energy issues. It was an hour long show. […]
We did stories on air pollution and human health risk factors, the Mayor of Spokane’s view on clean electricity and sustainability, the cloud of microbes surrounding humans, and the importance of wasps as pollinators. […]
Laura interviewed Mike about his recent trip to Denmark, as part of a Spokane sustainability trip. Mike talked about the bicycle infrastructure, green energy efforts, and next steps for Spokane. […]
Laura did stories on the Spokane Renewable Electricity ordinance, including a veto letter from the mayor and other stories about climate change. […]
Laura and Mike hosted a two hour combined news and fund drive show, starting at noon. We did stories on wildfires, orcas, and geological images of Mt. St. Helens […]
We interviewed Dimitar Dimitrov, a Community Solutions Fellow from a State Department program. We discussed conditions and programs in Bulgaria, including the youth oriented Free Sofia and the 365 Association. […]
We discussed the Fossil Free ordinance that was passed by the City of Spokane the day before, as well as climate and wildfires and climate lawsuits. […]
We discussed the increase in public interest in science after the 2017 total eclipse, easing of the asbestos ban and the wildfire situation in the west. […]
We discussed the Bureau of Land Management denial of climate change impacts on coal and fracking, their wanting to clear cut juniper to help sage grouse and the hot house phenomenon that exacerbates climate change when permafrost melts, methane is released and other changes occur to boost temperatures. […]
We discussed more Trump rollbacks of environmental protection, fires and climate change and new theories on whale songs. […]
Mike interviewed Chris Bachman, Wildlife Program Director for the Lands Council. We discussed wolves in Washington State and challenges with livestock, as well as the Engangered Species Act. […]
Laura and Mike reported on Indigenous ownership and management of land across the world, the Avista and Hydro One merger being at risk, opinions on climate change in the U.S and attacks on the Endangered Species Act. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the terrestrial carbon cycle and climate change, the pardon of the Hammonds (NE Oregon by President Trump, bicycling and body mass, and plastic straw bans. […]
This was a pre-recorded show. Laura and Mike discussed a rare aquatic beetle just found in Wyoming, a new project to remove carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, mucous from humans lasting longer than expected, and updates on battery energy storage. […]
This was a pre-recorded show. We discussed Canadian Transportation, attempts to save the Navajo coal generating station, tips on recycling, and an increase in visits to Yellowstone Park. […]
Laura and Mike discussed new species from the Permian Period, problems with tariffs and solar panels, and grizzly bears in the North Cascades. […]
We discussed upcoming oil and coal train protests, the Alberta oil sands, protection for caribou in Canada, and a discussion of plastic waste. […]
We discussed how the Columbia River treaty negotions were excluding First Nation People, the Black Tank pollutions cleanup in Hillyard, Washington, Paul Ehrlich and his discussion of human population and toxics, metal and lead pollution in the Balkans in ancient times, and the plutonium residue and human health threats at Rocky Flats, Colorado. […]
We reported on the science of luminescence, the Kinder Morgan pipeline decision, population trends in Seattle, and the contaminated Hanford site. […]
Laura interviewed Brian Henning, Gonzaga U professor and head of the Spokane group. They discussed the philosophy of climate change opinions, why 350 Spokane was formed and community organizing. […]
We did stories on frogs, trophy hunting, impacts of climate change on fisheries, and a discussion of reforming the 1872 General Mining Act. […]
We discussed food waste, an attempt by Republicans to overturn Obama decisions on mining, expansion of some large predators into suburban areas, plutonium contamination at Rocky Flats in Colorado, and plastic. […]
We discussed the role of gender in parenting in birds, a lawsuite to protect sagebrush grouse, PCB reduction activities in the Spokane River and the oil industry. […]
We discussed size of large animals, the draft Farm Bill, peoples sources for info on climate change and WA recycling. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the link between Alzheimers and urban air pollution, a new poll on public acceptance to fund improvements in water quality, and various schemes to geoengineer our planet as a way to respond to global warming. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Sarah Cornett, who is an organizer for Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility. We discussed health and climate change, how to organize medical students, nursing students and why health is an important conversation that is seen as credible with the public. […]
Laura and Mike discussed a new interactive climate map, grizzly bears in Washington State, a new measurement of snow that doubles previous estimates and a test showing animals with a physical impediment work harder to rear their young. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Phyllis Kardos of Responsible Growth NW, regarding the proposed silicon smelter near Newport, Washington. We discussed health issues, opposition, rural values, etc. […]
Laura Ackerman did stories on environmental policy guided by science, the Atmospheric Deposition Program and salmon. […]
Laura and Mike did a special two hour Earth Matters Now, and spring funddrive show. Lisa from Queens of Noise co-pitched. The stories ranged from DNA analysis of ancient humans who smoked, a new species of crawdad that clones, uranium mining near Bears Ears National Monument, update on WA legislation, and issues at the Infrastructure […] […]
We discussed dangerous levels of ethane and propane in the atmosphere from fracking, radiation levels in drinking water for millions of Americans, as well as a story of uranium markets. We also discussed the role of intact forests in holding off climate change. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Lily Adams, of Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility about nuclear weapons, waste, mining and health impacts. We discussed the history and current threats posed by nuclear weapons and efforts to inform the public of these dangers. […]
We discussed new discoveries of mammoths in Oregon, Amtrak and Positive Train Control, chemical that are in non stick pots and pans and raingear having PFAS’s that are being linked to obesity, polluted stormwater impacts on fish and climate change lawsuits. […]
We discussed the Trump infrastructure program, attacks on environmental laws, viruses and bacteria floating in the atmosphere and new species of mammals. […]
Mike and Laura did stories about the Council of Environmental Quality and withdrawal of the nominee to run that department, the five most common items found in river clean-ups, a new theory about a meteor disaster on earth about 12,800 years ago, the problems with dimly lit homes, and Bigfoot on license plates in Washington. […]
Laura and Chris Bachman did stories on Cliven Bundy, including a Montana rancher’s Op-ED, the rejection of the Tesoro Savage oil facility by WA Governor Inslee, and Chris did stories on wolves and poaching, as well as the Buffalo Field Campaign […]
Laura did stories on the Lac Megantic rail disaster and aquittal of the conductor, energy usage of microwave appliances, the conversion from coal to natural gas in the U.S. and methane emissions […]
Laura did stories on life expectencies, genetic variation of species, and a new type of bacteria. […]
We discussed several oil and coal facility victories in Washington State, rollbacks by the Trump Adminstration, how kids play and learn and how ancient peoples lived far longer than the accepted 40 years. […]
We discussed events from 2017, including environmental rollbacks and new science findings, as well as listed celestial events in January 2018 […]
Laura did stories on the WA Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council’s recommendation against the Tesoro-Savage bulk oil terminal, a bet between climate scientists about rising temperatures, a new type of construction for wildlife crossings and speculation about when Yellowstone will erupt again. […]
We discussed a new Egypt/Russia nuclear power deal, electric battery advances, oil facility decisions and electronic waste. […]
Laura and Mike discussed salmon recovery, Bears Ears National Monument, illegal poaching of wolves in NE Washington, and the Columbia River Treaty […]
We discussed the attempts by the Trump administration to reduce the size of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase Escalante National Monuments, as well as a lawsuit against WA Ecology by Millenium Bulk Terminals […]
We interviewed Rahma Benyussef, a fellow with the Community Solutions Program. Rahma is an energy transparency activist from Tunisia. We discussed challenges of accountability and transparency and environmental concerns in Tunisia, as well as her training here and experiences in the United States. […]
We did stories on wildlife crossings in the Northwest, the childrens climate change lawsuit and how climate change impacts productivity of not only workers, but also manufacturing. […]
This was a special show that Laura did: Welcome to a Special Live Edition of Earth Matters Now here on KYRS 88.1 and 92.3 FM. I am Laura Ackerman These guests are here this afternoon to give you a taste of their Water, Wind and Fire Tour which is tonight from 4 to 5:30 […] […]
We discussed the role of indoor insects, the future of insects as human food, and an upcoming vote in Miami to spend money on climate resiliency. […]
We did a special two hour show from 11-1 PM during the fund drive week. We did stories on fracking gas, Neanderthals, and health impacts from wildfire smoke. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Breean Beggs and Jim Lee about Spokane Proposition 2, which would require conditioning of oil in rail cars, as well as covers on coal train cars. […]
Laura and Mike reported on a new pollution study, the EPA’s backsliding on protection from toxic chemicals, glaciers receding in the US and the Washington state Hirst decision on water allocations. […]
Laura and Mike discussed the challenges Stand.Earth has had in court as they fight logging and mining companies in British Columbia and elsewhere. They also discussed rollbacks in environmental regulation that the Trump administration is attempting. […]
Mike and Laura interviewed Chris Bachman, the Wildlife Program Director for the Lands Council, on wolves and livestock grazing on public lands. […]
Laura did stories on the Colville Confederated Tribe, earthquakes, wildfires and smoke. […]
Mike discussed the new lawsuit regarding wolf killing on the Colville National Forests, impacts from loss of salmon or Orca populations in Puget Sound and water conservation issues. […]
Laura and Mike interviewed Hollister Higgins and George Taylor of Veterans for Peace, about their history and involvement with environmental issues, and specifically pollution at Fairchild air base. […]
We discussed federal legislation regarding the Endangered Species Act, diesel fumes and cancer, the Snake River flotilla and impacts of dams on wild salmon. […]
This was the actual pre-recorded show with Carol Ellis, who spoke against the proposed climbing gym at the Bosch lot. The show did not play on August 22. […]
We interviewed Allison Roskelley, a proponent of building a climbing gym on the Bosch lot. […]
This was a pre-recorded show. Our guest was Carol Ellis who talked about development of the Bosch Lot, which is part of the park system. At issue is a potential climbing gym near the Spokane River. […]
We discussed chimpanzee intelligence and games, the upcoming total eclipse, and problems at the nuclear power plant at Hanford. […]
We talked about the carbon footprint of cats and dogs, how climate deniers in the Republican party have increased since 1989, when President Bush was considered a world leader, impact of artificial lights on plants and getting kids outdoors to play. […]
Mike did stories on the Safer Spokane Citizen Initiative, the Black Tank site contamination in Hillyard, the Rio Tinto copper mine proposal in Arizona and how urban trees reduce energy costs. […]
Laura and Mike did stories on energy, climate change, wolves in WA, and the oil and coal Initiative in Spokane […]
Laura interviewed Jeff Lambert, the Director of the Dishman Hills Conservancy […]
Laura did stories on wolves, salmon and dams, and sounds in nature […]
Laura and Mike did stories on the demographics of climate change discussions and beliefs. threats from mining to the Grand Canyon, damage to World Heritage Sites, an update on Washington legislation and exploring sites in the West. […]
Mike did stories on cattle and methane emissions, hikers injured by cattle, legislative action in US. Congress on forests and infrastructure and a Washington Post story about President Trump and his misinformation about Hoover Dam and the Golden Gate Bridge. […]
We interviewed Mike LaScoula, from the Spokane Regional Health District about the water contamination in Airway Heights, near the Fairchild Air Base. The use of flame retardants (PFOS’ and PFOA’s) has contaminated drinking wells. […]
Mike discussed the widely varying opinions about how to respond to wildfires, including what Congress is proposing and what conservationists say about thinning to change fire behavior. Theme: Forest management does work in some cases, but has to be strategically planned. […]
We interviewed Laura Skelton and Bruce Amundson from Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility. Our conversation covered Hanford, nuclear energy, nuclear waste and the origins of WPSR. […]
We interviewed James Kashork of River City Youth Ops. He is the Executive Director of this group that has youth planting trees, maintaining yard and running a booth at farmers markets. They are based in West Central but branching out through Spokane. […]
Laura interviewed Sameer Ranade, on this 55 minute long edition of EMN. They discussed climate change, the Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy. The Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy has been hard at work for nearly two years conducting listening tours, engaging with people impacted by climate change. […]
We discussed the early Spring that has hit the U.S., nitrous oxides coming from diesel combustion, the horn on narwhals, and a meeting about PCB’s in pigments with the Color Pigment Manufacturing Association. […]
We discussed an interesting opinion that oil and fossil fuels may end up left in the ground, a claim against WSU by Professor Weilgus, and several energy related stories. […]
Mike interviewed Bill Moyer, the Director of the Backbone Campaign and co-author of Solutionary Rail. The discussion was mostly around bringing electric rail to the northern BNSF line. […]
Mike talked about all the Earth Day events, including the March for Science, new Trump prop0sals and fluorinated compounds that are contaminating groundwater and harming humans. […]
We discussed oil and coal train initiatives that Safer Spokane and Direct Action Spokane are working on, Congressional legislation to restrict the actions of the EPA, as well as the science of mice and multi species diseases. […]
We discussed the Gold Butte and Bears Ears National Monuments, including our visit and threats to their designation. We discussed the increase in wildfires due to climate change and the impacts of lead at firing ranges. […]
We interviewed Austen White, who works at the Community Building about energy, and the solar future for Spokane. The show was pre-recorded […]
We discussed human health and pollution, melting of the arctic and antarctic ice, Snake River salmon and a study on squirrels. […]
We reported on extreme weather, a Washington wolf update, how the Sahara became a desert and another train derailment. […]
We discussed famine and climate change in Africa, threats to the Endangered Species Act from Congress and convictions of the Malheur armed occupiers. Today was the Anniversary of the National Wildlife Refuge System. […]
During the pledge drive we did stories on disease and vaccines, coal exports, the North America Wildlife Conference taking place in Spokane and the link between black carbon and lung diseases. […]
We discussed coal, carbon capture and the new administration, anthropology and genetics and arsenic tolerance. […]
We discussed the loss of habitat for wild bees, a new measuring tool for snowpack, and a new study on how wolves impact elk and deer populations in Washington State. […]
Laura discussed chocolate and conservation efforts with Amanda Parrish, as well as several climate change updates, including the arctic. […]
We talked about Congress and the Trump administration as it relates to oil pipelines, rollbacks of environmental laws and National Forests. We also discussed a study to determine if electromagnetic radiation causes ocean animals to strand themselves on shore. […]
We discussed Washington State legislation, national environmental policies under the Trump administration and a settlement agreement to prohibit megaloads on the Lochsa River corridor. […]
We discussed upcoming legislation in Washington State, including energy and school funding issues. We also discussed lawsuits and science against Monsanto and their herbicide Roundup. […]
Our focus was wildlife, the annual bird count, birds and jet airliners, lynx, and grizzly bear re-introduction into the north Cascades of Washington State. […]
Laura and I interviewed Breean Beggs, Spokane City Councilman, about an oil and coal train initiative, as well as discussed oil train safety issues and the strategic importance of Spokane in oil transport from the Bakken oil fields to the west coast. […]
Laura and Mike discussed oil transportation – pipelines and rail, China and coal, new Monuments by President Obama, and new species that were discovered in 2016. […]
We discussed the new Washington climate legislation proposed by Gov. Inslee, how bear sprays work, and endangered species. […]
We did stories on ecological choices when buying clothing, upcoming oil and coal legislation in WA state, glaciers and climate change, and the loss of indigenous languages. […]
Laura discussed fossil fuels and the Chistmas bird count […]
Mike and Laura did stories on the impacts of sunlight on improving near sighted vision, a proposal by Trump advisors to privatize Indian Reservations, a discussion of grazing permits vs rights, and the costs of the Mosier, Oregon oil train derailment. […]
Laura discussed the Columbia River hearings and Free the Snake (River) campaign. The majority of time was spent on the Giving Tuesday fundraiser […]
We discussed how scientific cooperation helped end the Cold War, how moral values play into whether people agree and act on climate change, and we did local stories about salmon, energy and toxics in water bodies. […]
Laura and I discussed an upcoming lecture by Tom Keefe, regarding the life and trials of David Sohappy. Sohappy became a symbol of indigenous people wanting to catch salmon, and his imprisonment led to the Bolt decision, giving tribal rights to the salmon catch. We also discussed the ongoing efforts to remove the Snake River […] […]
WE discussed the election politics of west coast states, the carbon tax bill, how hunters dominate fish and wildlife decisions, the Direct Action Spokane railroad campaign to stop oil and coal cars, and Monsanto’s tribunal in the Hague. […]
Laura and I interviewed Sam Mace, of Save Our Wild Salmon, on upcoming hearing regarding the operation of Columbia River dams and their impact on Salmon. We noted a court decision required a new EIS that should include Snake River dam removals. […]
We talked about climate impacts on National Parks, toxic fumes from smart phones, how sprawl is impacting wildlife and the debate on a climate tax initiative in Washington State. […]
We discussed concepts related to the eco life of simplicity, glyphosatge, the John Wayne trail through Washington and why some people are in climate change denial. […]
We discussed climate change and implications of CO2 at 300 ppm, Shell refinery proposal, impacts of dams on methane and an update on the Spokane Integrated Clean Water Plan […]
We discussed a Spokane City Council resolution to support the Standing Rock indigenous efforts to stop an oil pipeline, an initiative in Spokane that would require covering coal trains and making oil trains safer, and the release of the Shell Anacortes DEIS for an oil refinery expansion. […]
Laura and Mike discussed Neanderthals, glyphosate being found in honey, animals that can sense the Earth’s magnetic field, and the most contaminate bird ever found. […]
Laura discussed wolves, commercialization of State Parks in Washington, and plants that know when deer have browsed them. Also fund drive week. […]
Mike interviewed law students David Lund and JD Lewis about the Gonzage University Environmental Law Clinic, as well as discussed an opinion piece about the Profanity Peak wolf pack. […]
Laura discussed wolves, deposition of mercury by lightning storms and how indigenous occupation of some rainforests enhanced biological diversity and productivity […]
We reported on a coal train direct action near Belllingham, did a story on indigeneous use of Mt. Rainier and other high peaks, talked about the Profanity Peak wolf pack kill and gender issues in marketing green products. […]
We discussed National Parks – climate threats, funding and diversity of staff. We also discussed chem trails and rail transport. […]
Laura interviewed Rick Eichstaedt of the Center for Justice about discharge permits that have been drafted for the City of Spokane, Liberty Lake and Kaiser for PCB discharge to the Spokane River […]
We discussed wolves, bears and cougars at length. How to identify them, how to react if you come across them (don’t run!) in the context of recent sightings near Spokane. […]
We interviewed Joe Pakootas, 5th District Candidate for US Congress in Washington State, asking about his positions and thoughts on environmental issues. […]
The show was about National Parks 100th anniversary, and experiences from a recent 9 Park tour. […]
We focused on evergy, oil and coal, and climate change […]
We discussed the health impacts of air emissions on children, the healing of the ozone hole, the old growth hike on Mt. Spokane and herbicide use on public lands. […]
We discussed the Oil Train Week of Action, the draft Colville National Forest Plan revision, blue-green algae problems in lakes and kayaking. […]
We discussed new legislation to protect marine mammals, details of rusted bolts causing the Mosier Oregon oil train derailment, listed a number of Native American events occurring this summer and talked about how bankrupt Peabody Energy has funded anti climate groups and been in denial about impacts of coal on climate change. We finished up […] […]
We discussed the Millinium coal facility, the Cherry Point oil terminal, the Mosier Oil train spill and kids at risk, as well as the science of fuels and energy. […]
We discussed a debate on the public voting on industrial water uses in Tacoma, and the Mosier, Oregon oil train derailment, spill and fire. […]
We discussed the recent Longview terminal coal hearing at length, as well as a new study about oil spill hazards in the Columbia and glyphosate levels in humans. […]
We discussed venom variations in rattlesnakes, the search for a more universal venom and toxicity of venom. We discussed a Nile crocodile that has gotten into the Florida everglades. We discussed the upcoming coal terminal hearing, which is May 26th in Spokane, and problems associated with the Grays Harbor oil terminal. […]
We discussed the Break Free climate change protests, as well as other fossil fuel issue and a new rule of methane that the EPA is promulgating. […]
We discussed the recent ruling in favor of the Lummi Nation that the Army Corps of Engineers made regarding a new coal terminal. We discussed other impacts of coal transport and upcoming energy hearings and events in Spokane […]
We discussed the Break Free upcoming action to stop fossil fuels, toxics in paving materials, problems with dam operations, and wildlife threats to wolverine, tigers and grizzly bears. […]
Laura read stories about t coal and oil facilities and transport and fishers and other wildlife studies. […]
We discussed a manure discharge and impacts of cows and grazing from Whatcom County to Spokane County, a new renewable energy study that shows a transition could happen very quickly, and a new study on the impacts of disease on Neandethals. […]
We interviewed Kitty Klitztke of Futurewise about growth management, transit and other urban land use issues. […]
We discussed rules pertaining to oil transport and safety response in Washington and Minnesota. We discussed a Port of Vancouver Hearing on the Tesoro Savage oil refinery that is taking place today, as well as an upcoming set of meetings on coal facilities in Washington State. […]
Laura discussed oil trains, the Spokane River Toxics Task Force and wildlife […]
We discussed coal exports, a xylene proposal for Anacortes, glyphosate in wines, and the WA Department of Natural Resources […]
We interviewed Rebecca Mack, who works at the Community Building, about traffic calming on Main Avenue, as well as the proposed locations for the STA Central City Line. This would be an electric bus line fhrough downtown Spokane. […]
We discussed new Washington wolf population data, the role of methane in greenhouse gases, pros and cons of Daylight Savings Day, and the record temperatures in February. […]
We had another episode of Wild Radio Kingdom, discussing rare animals, a report on the passage of the Sportsman Act by the US House of Representatives, a new historic designation for the controversial Oak Flats mining site in Ariozona, and a list of upcoming conservation themed events in Spokane. […]
We did a special three hour show for the Spring fund drive. We did stories on toxic sludge, Yellowstone and oil facilities. We played environmental music and did brief interviews with local conservationists. […]
We interviewed Hank Siepp, who is the director of Eastern Washington Wildlife Conservation. Our main topic were wolves and people management in eastern Washington. We discussed non-lethal approached to keeping wolves away from livestock, such as fox lights, fladdery, and guard dogs. Hank also updated us on recent wolf activity in Spokane County. […]
We covered stories on natural gas fracking, legislation that would impact stormwater projects in Spokane, a copper-silver mine that has just been approved that will impact the Cabinet Mountain Wilderness in Montana, and an episode of EMN’s Wild Radio Kingdom. […]
Laura was solo, and did stories on the new Great Bear Rainforest preserve in Canada, wildlife crossings in Washington State and an update on the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation. There was also updates on legislation in Washington State. […]
We discussed the origins of Ground Hog Day, legislation in the Washington State House, and the Malheur Refuge takeover situation. […]
We talked about the Malhuer occupation, new Carbon pollution rules in Washington State, and tribal sovreignty. […]
Our focus was on energy and climate. We discussed the bankruptcy of Arch Coal, the Tesoro-Savage hearing in Spokane, and the appeal by TransCanada of the Keystone XL pipeline. […]
We discussed the benefits of spending more time outdoors, in an article from Fusion; the armed standoff on the Malheur Wildlife Refuge, a new regulation prohibiting plastic microbeads and stories from an ecological calendar by Chris Hardman. […]
We discussed a new water filtration substance that could take out harmbul BPS’s, foods that might be impacted by climate change, the climate initiatives that groups in Washington State are working on, habits of crows, and the PCB’s that are found in hatchery fish in Washington State. […]
We discussed the Endangered Species Act, and the failure of US Fish and Wildlife Service to enforce it, toxic foam used in firefighting, the impacts of Christmas trees and the implications of the recently passed Omnibus bill on public lands. […]
We discussed the outcome of the Paris Climate Talks, a new study of coal dust emissions from BNSF trains in the Columbia Gorge, questions about the credibility of the Tesoro Savage mailing to support their new refiners, and a discussion of Christmas trees and cards. […]
Laura Ackerman and Mike Petersen discussed a farm that sells pelts from endangered species, the Paris Climate Change talks and state oil facility proposals. We also had a story of several wildlife species and poaching. […]
We did stories on the Paris Climate talks, science about global warming, big oil supporting a carbon tax and the re-introduction of fisher to Washington State […]
We discussed the draft enviornmental impact statement that just came our for the Tesoro Savage oil facility, and had a discussion of impacts on communities from oil trains We had a followup to our World Toilet Day discussion, a discussion of the hearing for the Mt. Spokane ski expansion and several wildlife stories including bird […] […]
Mike and Laura celebrated World Toilet Day with listeners, discussing the importance of sanitation, threats to those who don’t have proper sanitation and a financing alternative. We discuss the recent Portland, Oregon vote against new coal and oil terminals, as well as the impacts that a facility would have on Grays Harbor, WA bird […] […]
Laura Ackerman did the show and discussed several coal and energy issues, types of “Kleptomaniac” animals that steal from others and humans. and the Land and Water Conservation Fund debate in Congress […]
We rebroadcast an interview with Dana Lyons, singer and environmental activist. He discussed his work to stop oil and coal trains in the Northwest, through his music. […]
This was a re-broadcast of our October 6th show with Avista Utilities – discussing their energy future and the Coal Free Avista Campaign […]
Our show featured an interview with Jace Bylenga of the Sierra Club, and we discussed their Coal Free Avista Campaign […]
We discussed new pollution limits on smog that will help with respiratory illnesws, improvements in storm water ponds, and a health related decision by the American Acadamy of Pediatrics to end their involvement with Monsanto. […]
We interviewed Bruce Howard and Jason Thackston, who work for Avista Utilities. We asked them about their power generation, ownership in the Colstrip power plant and how they were planning for the future. We discuss the Coal Free Avista campaign by the Sierra Club and they responded to our questions about renewable energy, costs and […] […]
We interviewed Jace Bylenga of the Coal Free Avista campaign. Jace works for the Sierra Club […]
Our program focused on oil, gas, coal mining and transportation challenges in the West, as well as a purchase of a ranch along the Columbia River and upcoming hikes and floats. […]
Laura and Mike started at 11 AM for the fall Fund Drive We played music, did pitches and talked about wildfire and wolves […]
We began our show at 11 AM, and it was the start of the Fall Fund Drive. We talked about wildfires and played environmental songs, as well as asked for donations. […]
This week we interviewed attorney Dave Bricklin, of Bricklin and Newman. He discussed environmental laws, with a focus on the Washington Growth Management Act and the challeges that many pro development counties posed. […]
Laura and Mike talked about the Islamic Declaration on Climate Change, wildfires in our area and impacts of smoke, and a new type of efficient LED lighting. […]
Laura and I interviewed Dan Sorres, the Conservation Director for Columbia Riverkeeper. He talked about the efforts to stop new coal and oil facilities along the Columbia River, the potential impacts of an oil train spill, and the long term efforts they are making to protect the river. […]
We did a lengthy story on the Colorado mining leak on the Animas River, fines against Burlington Northern Sante Fe railroad for water degradation, and a story on kayaks. […]
Mike had stories on draught and fish dieoffs in the Northwest, a comparison of industrial attacks on environmentalists between DDT and Genetically Modified Organisms, a discussion of a mining violation in NE Washington, and a report on the inadvertent production of PCB’s that continues to contaminate rivers. […]
Mike Petersen was solo and did stories on the new wetlands rule, bee colony collapse disorder and the connection to pesticides and legislation protecting producers of Genetically Modified Organisms. The show finished with a story about how the Sea Shephard Society confronted an illegal fishing vessel, chased it for weeks and finally rescued the crew […] […]
We interviewed Kelly Magalsky, Solar Initiatives Manager for Avista Utilities, about their Community Solar Program, which allow homeowners to purchase solar energy and have it taken off their utility bill. […]
We discussed noise and the impacts on wildlife and humans, genetically modified crops, low flows in the region’s rivers, some of Pope Francis’ remarks on mining, and the oil transport business. […]
We did stories on Mike Elliot, a whistleblower who won a lawsuit against Burlington Northern, a survey on public values about the Spokane River, wildlife legislation in Washington State, a lawsuit opposing a new mine in NW Montana, and an update on wolves. […]
Laura interviewed Kitty Klitzke of Futurewise about growth management. […]
We discussed the upcoming coal and oil forum, a new report from Lancet on impacts of climate change on seniors, talked about the life of local activist Julian Powers, and discussed a new report of wolf predation on livestock in British Columbia. […]
Mike and Laura reported on food waste in the US and the environmental consequences, problems that herbicides are causing frogs, an effort to convince Republicans about climate change by a Republican businessman, and chemicals in outdoors equipment that are making their way into our air and water. […]
Laura Ackerman interviewed Bart Mihailovich about his role is the Waterkeeper Alliance. […]
Interview with Gary Schalla with the Inland Northwest Lands Conservancy – discussion of their programs, the importance of protecting lands, and how they work with other land trusts. […]
A story on plankton research and it’s role in oxygen production, a story about the cons of nuclear power, a story on the killing of environmental activists around the world, and several short stories on oil and energy. […]
Laura Ackerman hosted and wrote about crude oil and rail transport, butterflies in eastern Washington, the discovery of a warm blooded deep water fish, and the Energy Workforce Act in the US Senate. […]
We discussed wildlife that luminesced, consumer behavior changes due to electronic billing, legislation on wildfire, fluoride in water and low water levels in the Colorado River. […]
This week Laura Ackerman interviewed Jerry Dormaier of Dormaier Family Farms – discussing his work and challenges in agriculture. […]
We discussed marine animals, controversy over mountaintop mining and Neanderthals. We did an update of Washington State energy legislation and talked about a BLM protest in Oregon. […]
We discussed the dangers of the Trans Pacific Partnership, the shifting of funds from road repair to helping the concessionaire build a lodge on Mt Spokane and the opportunity to comment on Mountain Caribou. We also celebrated National Park Day, by describing the 10 LEAST visited parks in the system. […]
We discussed transportation legislation in the Washington legislation, as well as coal trains, then moved onto discussing a meeting held by Washington Residents Against Wolver, a local ballot initiative to help Spokane transit and Earth Day. […]
We discussed a range of interesting species including beetles, frogs and robber flies. We discussed a lawsuit against Burlington Northern Sante Fe railroad by a worker who was on an exploding train. We discussed light pollution and the impact on humans and other species. […]
The stories covered the live press conference that Senator Maria Cantwell was doing in Spokane regarding oil train legislation, the downsizing of the coal industry and local stories around the STA Moving Forward campaign and a court victory for caribou protection advocates. […]
We discussed the impacts of drought on humans, the new study showing impacts from the use of Glyphosate, the search for new immune substances, using opposum and gave an update on the status of legislation in the Washington State legislature. […]
We talked about indigenous communities and wilderness around the world, impacts of a new study of fracking chemicals on water quality and legislation in the Washington Statehouse. […]
We discussed toxins in reptiles and amphibians and their possible connection to helping humans with pain, as well as a new national program to get kids into National Parks. Other topics were wolves and WA oil transport legislation […]
The theme was discussion of newly discovered and rare species that were discovered in 2014. […]
We discussed the impacts of coal and oil terminals on the Lummi Tribe of Puget Sound, as well as the health impacts of neonictinoids and resistance to antibiotics. […]
This show was a re-broadcast of the November 4 show, where we interviewed John Roskelley, former Spokane County Commissioner and world class mountain climber. Issues were growth management and Mt Spokane. […]
We discussed several local issues, as well as held a fund drive. Issues included rail safety, and water quality. […]
We discussed the human and ecological impacts of oil and coal moving across the country and the legislative proposals to increase safety, as well as the removal of dams across the United States […]
We interviewed long time forest activist Tim Coleman of the Kettle Range Conservation Group. We discussed Wilderness and restoring National Forests. […]
Update on Washington State Legislation on climate and energy bills. […]
The theme of our show was legislation in Washington State. We discussed oil and climate legislation as well as a railroad safety bill. […]
The theme of this show was climate and energy as it impacts the planet and humans. […]
We interviewed Alicia Powell, who works for Neighborhood Services for the City of Spokane, regarding street trees and stormwater. […]