Playlist for Show: Long Waves

The best propaganda is that which we never see. It is the background reality which makes power seem natural, normal, and inevitable. Much of this is based on countering and explaining away people’s beliefs, e.g. war is bad, bankrupting the nation for militarism makes no sense., etc.

Right Wing propaganda is supported and structured through the “think tanks’ such as Heritage Foundation and the AEI and is paid for by corporate CEOs and corporations themselves who “donate” to these institutes, the primary goal of which is to advance corporate interests as inevitabilities of politics.

These narratives are being challenged by Russian propaganda sufficient to be a cause of concern for the right in the US.

The “necessity” of austerity for Greece is discussed as a cover for shifting debt from banks to citizens. Bailouts for banks but not for people reveal the inversion of priorities which must be covered up with plausible explanations and lies that are repeated endlessly on major media, displacing all other ways of conceptualizing or discussing the problem. The manufactured version becomes the real.

The virtual absence of meaningful comparisons between the US and other Western countries is noted in the differences between Australia’s student loan program and the American, which is much more avaricious.

In the US, as the economy fails to recover and indeed sinks deeper in depression, this propaganda demonizing the poor will continue to divide the citizenry and distract them from making meaningful political changes to policy.

# Artist Song Comments
1 DJ-LID 15:00 DJ-LID 15:54

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