Playlist for Show: Long Waves

The world has always been corrupt, governments, including and perhaps especially the US, have always undertaken wars of conquest for false reasons. The rich have always run the world.
Why are we more effected?
So what’s different now? Three things.
the scale of problems facing us. Climate change, world war, nuclear war, the collapse of a fragile economy (expand), the erosion of a sense of community and belonging for many, the threat of instant expulsion from society for economic, social or political reasons.
The amount of info. Which threatens and supports personal beliefs. The immediacy of it: electronics, WWW, TV. The amount of news we can get globally
Third: the lack of supports for the psyche and for the social.
Reduced largely to economics and policing. Mass media, porn of all forms: sports, sex, schadenfreude, the outrageous, the mind is untethered from the cultural forms that should provide stability and sanity. These are lost.
Knowledge, understanding, an aesthetic sense of the world, meaningful and consistent ethics: these are lost.

Other signs than dreams and other grim outcomes than war: we see the reemergence of forces of fascism and nationalism that only emerge when times are dire, when the threads that bind people together in communities, when the hands that reach out to others in solidarity, friendship, love, philia, karitas are withdrawn or prevented.

We see the great strength taken in the name of various forms of purity:
Purity of the blood: Race. Ukraine, sure but here as wall in the metaphor of race, nation.
The purity of religion: true Christian and Takfiri
The purity and sanctity, so called of women, much more than for men (excused as men’s nature) So they need women to be pure for them so they can lead women even though more fallen and flawed? Is this why Christianity has such a schizoid approach to women both now and historically?
The purity and sacredness of the unborn: Stopping abortions. This is not a fight to protect life, it is a fight formulated symbolically which reflects that already lost to those who picket the clinics and murder the doctors, and pass laws to give the state control of women’s bodies while vilifying the state for daring to extend equal rights of marriage to gays and of employment to migrants.
Those same migrants whose ancestors we expelled after stealing their land from them after they stole it from the First People. Only those first ones may truly have a moral claim to the land, the rest of us are thieves and deceivers.
Back to abortions: The obsession and fixation of some on preventing abortions is not about the “unborn” in any direct way. The fetae are symbols, things in the world around which powerful unconscious psychic forces can coalesce. These people do not want to save the children, as has been amply discussed and noted by many, but rather seek to give expression to feelings of which they are not even conscious but which have myriad forms in their world.
In short, they have lost faith in a future. More accurate: they fear a loss of connection with the future. In trying to save the “unborn children” they are seeking to allow a future to come into existence, even as they deny every sign of the future:
Climate change: here now…the denial is beyond illogical, it is irrational, it is grounded not in beliefs but in denial of the inevitable.

When Wotan saddles Slepnir, expect war.

# Artist Song Comments
1 DJ-LID 15:00 DJ-LID 15:36

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