Playlist for Show: Long Waves

The tactic of those in the MSM and those in the BBG is to discredit any alternative source that gets too popular and then the remaining talking heads that pretend to deliver news in the US will simply continue to deliver the talking points of power, generally with minimal if any investigation of their own. Often, also, they are happy to make up or ignore news when it suits them.
There are a variety of mechanisms, but above all those in charge of the MSM seek to maintain their good graces with power and with those who speak for it.
This fluid reality perhaps influenced Brian Williams to elaborate his personal war story in Iraq with tales of fabricated daring do and threats he never faced. When one lives in lies for so long, small embellishments may well become second nature.
Why should we believe anything the MSM or the government say about issues that they have lied about forever.
No wonder many turn to alternative narratives, i.e. “conspiracy theories” which seem more fitting.
Consider the operation Jadee Helm 15. A wide op in the southwest US. Alex Jones et al are convinced this is a training, if not an operation to begin military take over of the US. USSOC, the Army Times, Stars and Stripes, and even WaPo say this is not a sinister attempt to take over groups right wingers in the SW, particularly Texas. Actually, that’s really not such a bad idea, given the shinanigans at Bundy Ranch, the Oath Takers rushing to protect a miner from BLM claims, and the sheer number of crazy people, espc in Texas with guns.
Story: Waco, David Koresh, not even in the top ten.
There are enough real stories of lies, coverups, and wrong doing that one need not search for them.
Case in point:
Richard Engel’s kidnapping. NBC happy to drag its heels on revealing the truth because it supports the story of power.

But this is a small story. A lie told by a journalist who should have known better.
Yet, it undermines our trust, such as it is, in the MSM.
Raises the question, what else are they lying about or getting wrong, or simply not covering?
Dig here, not there. Write stories that don’t upset power, or simply fill the news with more innocuous drivel: celebrities, gaffes of politicians, the upsetting social stories, and last, the shaggy dog tales.
What is a story that should be covered? Here’s one that speaks to the wave of lies, deceptions, false flag operations, and misconduct on a grand scale surrounding the tactics used to advance the neo-con agenda and strategy for global war in 2001.
Remember the anthrax incident. Remember that days after 9/11 white house officials were taking Cirpro just in case. This was before any anthrax attacks occurred. They followed shortly to the National Enquirer and most chillingly to the offices of two US Senators: Daschle and Leahy. These letters were sent on Oct 9, two weeks after Tom Brokaw and NBC received their letters.
The FBI agent in charge has filed a whistleblower suit on 04-02-2015 alleging that the entire FBI investigation was a sham.
Heavens! Really! A government agency covering up serious wrongdoing in the support of nefarious agendas? How could that happen and why.

Much remains unresolved about the 9/11 events and what some would call errant data, facts, indisputable, that do not fit the official stories. The predictable response when these arise is that the watchdogs of power begin the ridicule and character assassination that are appended to the labeling of the source a “conspiracy theory.” Even powerful intellectuals such as Noam Chomsky eschew anything about 9/11 and the confusing data, reports, events, and testimony of experts such as are represented by groups such as Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth and other credible persons. Or the simple fact of a pilot of well-documented incompetence, Mr. Hanjoor performing an act of excellent flying of a jet he had never flown before on a complex flight path into the Pentagon.
So, 9/11 Qui bono? The Neo-cons. People for a New American Century, 1999, Rebuilding America’s defences. Said that a Pearl Harbor like event would be required to bring the country to accept the plans for global expansion of military actions. Robert Kagan, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and William Kristol
When the author of this document achieved power just a few years later, the US got its Pearl Harbor event and the neo-cons got Afghanistan, Iraq, and by extension wars throughout the middle east.

Not wars of defence, but wars of aggression which continue to destabilize the region, bring death and destruction to millions of innocents that destroy not just whole countries but entire civilizations much older than our own.
Facts don’t matter to Neo—cons. Ideology does American Exceptionalism, Militarism, Imperialism. They are without morals, ethics, loyalty to any but themselves. They are devoid of love, compassion, humanity if these lie in the way of their agendas. There is no number of people too great to kill.
For A pack of Lies.
These same neo-cons continue to direct US policy and military activities around the world. Robert Kagen, Brookings Institute, married to Victoria Nuuland, USSSD rep to Europe and a key player in the destabilization of Ukraine. The lies about Ukraine and Maidan continue to percolate freely as if they are the truth.
So the new news: SA commits ground troops for “rebuilding” in Yemen. CBS calls the Houthi an Iranian Proxy army, yet Iran attempted to dissuade the Houthi from seizing the capital of Sana.
SA wants to reinstate their dictator and have a friendly proxy government on their border. There will be no more democracy in Yemen that there is in SA, but that won’t stop us from supporting this.
Saker: TV reality v. the real:

Real issue is that Eurasia in its old form, in the form that Z Brezinski viewed it, the grand chess board, an extetion of McKittricks great game, is over.
Pepe Escobar writes:
So what we have here is the makings of a Greater Asia from Shanghai to St. Petersburg – including, crucially, Tehran – instead of a Total Eurasia that extends from Lisbon to Vladivostok. Total Eurasia may be broken, at least for now. But Greater Asia is a go. There will be a tsunami of efforts by the usual suspects, to also break it up.
All this will be fascinating to watch. How will Moscow and Beijing stare down the West – politically, commercially and ideologically – without risking a war? How will they cope with so much pressure? How will they sell their strategy to great swathes of the Global South, across multiple Asian latitudes?
One battle, though, is already won. Bye, bye Zbigniew Brzezinski. Your grand chessboard hegemonic dream is over.
But be sure that this is not what our masters will tell us. We will hear of Hitlers, and terrorists and never once remember that the terrorists are of our own making, and the Hitlers work for us.

# Artist Song Comments
1 DJ-LID 15:00 DJ-LID 15:57

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