Show Info

Produced by: Voz Latina

Show Times

Timezone: PDT [UTC-7]
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
[9:00 pm - 10:00 pm]

About the Show

This program is directed towards the Latin Community, to be a way of communication, to express culture of the Latin community through the right of free speech, and exercised in democratic participation, educative, informative, cultural, and entertainment, and to give voice and presence to the Latin Community. Giving information about educational programs that provides the Latin community in Spokane. It serves to broaden the services offered to the community and diversify what content is available to anyone interested in listening. with the various educational and informational content provided to entertain. discussion on important topics is also featured, making the community feel included in all subject matters.

Este programa está dirigido a la Comunidad Latina, para ser una forma de comunicación, para expresar la cultura de la comunidad latina a través del derecho a la libertad de expresión, y ejercerse en la participación democrática, educativa, informativa, cultural, y de entretenimiento, y para dar voz y presencia a la Comunidad Latina. Dar información sobre los programas educativos que ofrece la comunidad latina en Spokane. Sirve para ampliar los servicios ofrecidos a la comunidad y diversificar los contenidos disponibles para cualquier persona interesada en escuchar. con los diversos contenidos educativos e informativos que se proporcionan para entretener. También se presenta la discusión sobre temas importantes, lo que hace que la comunidad se sienta incluida en todos los temas.

One thought on “el Puente

  • January 24, 2025 at 8:57 am

    I have composed two Spanish music CDs. Wataino is a Latin-jasz-rock fusion music co-written with Orlando Sanchez who has played with Stevie Wonder, Donna Summers and Disney World. This CD is instrumental with live tracks from the Disney World of music.

    Amor, Life Y Chupacabra songs is a bi-pingual CD I wrote that contains great romantic songs, funny songs about the Chupacabra and based on my life experiences.

    As for me, I affluent in Spanish having studied in High School and college. My degree is in music and my minor was Spanish. I lived in Chile with the Peace Corps and have been a court interpreter boom translator and Spanish-speaking paralegal for a Wenatchee law firm.

    You can hear my music at my website or email me at for more information.


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