90s pioneers of the towering genre shoegaze returned last year with their first album in 14 years, Weather Diaries. Their fifth LP, Diaries was a favorite for being equal parts coeval and contemporary. Laminous, filmy, solid. Ardent, canvassing, buoyant.
Tomorrow’s Shore is an EP of ancillary tracks following Weather Diaries. Though they were from the same recording sessions, leans more towards the contemporary. Opening track “Pulsar” could easily be mistaken for 2007-era psych-pop ala “Kids”. The song centers around a pulsing rthym, orbited by strings of fuzzing guitars, a space anthem of existential travel within. Standout “Cold Water People” is a Beatleseque sway, moving with the same washed tendencies as “Blue Jay Way”. Ride continues to make dense, meaningful music for the post-Brexit disoriented.