Playlist for Show: Think On This

We talked about programs and initiatives offering free tuition to college students. We discussed President Obama’s free community college plan that he announced in January, as well as similar programs in Tennessee and Oregon, plus individual schools such as Stanford University and others that provide additional support to low-income students. We also addressed factors besides money that can influence students’ ability to go to and stay in school, such as the cost of books and housing and the lack of mentorship and emotional/social support.

# Artist Song Comments
1 Legal ID - Live DJ 2:01 PM
2 Cheers Elephant Leaves
3 Us The Duo No Matter Where You Are
4 The Submarines You, Me, and the Bourgeoisie
5 Jason Mraz I'm Yours
6 PSA - 2:42 PM
7 Bishop Allen Rain
8 Legal ID - Live DJ 2:52 PM

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