This is educational programming for children and families. Today’s topic is “Cats.” On this week’s episode, Zoe, Theo, BG, Selena and Kayliegh talked about facts about cats. They talked about now this is National Adopt a Cat Month. Read cat jokes, talked about famous internet cats, and read a recipe about how to make homemade cat food. The elementary aged kids did a group story where one person started and then the next person added a part of the story for 2 minutes each. The story was about a cat named George and his adventures with a wizard and magic carpets.
3:00pm studio ID live DJ
3:06 Song: “I’m a Gummy Bear” by Galaxy Baby
3:11 Song: “Daft Punk” by Pentatonix
3:20 PSA and Show promo “PSA Nepal earthquake
3:32 Song: “Stars Align” by Lindsey Sterling
3:40 Show Promo and Underwriting (Sante Restaurant and Charcuterie– (STCU)
3:51 Song: Meow mix song by Ashworth
3:55pm Studio ID live DJ
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