Playlist for Show: The Edge

# Artist Song Comments
1 LEGAL ID 10:00PM
2 subhumans (UK band) from cradle to grave
3 optic nerve trap door
4 zounds war
5 zounds subvert
6 PSA 10:20pm live power lines
7 crisis frustration
8 crisis alienation
9 the saints i'm stranded
10 the saints know your product
11 Show Promo, Rusty's Funhouse 10:40pm
12 courtney barnett pedestrian at best
13 fat dog and the tits supermullet
14 the hard ons what would stiv bators do?
15 LEGAL ID 11:00PM
16 total control stonehenge
17 total control flesh war
18 stone roses fool's gold
19 the fall 15 ways
20 the fall taurig
21 the fall what about us?
22 PSA 11:20PM Live Power Lines
23 Egyptian blue skin
24 Egyptian blue nylon wire
25 wire ahead
26 wire blessed state
27 KYRS vehicle donation PSA Live Power Lines
28 the units cowboy
29 the units i night
30 r.m.f.c. spectrum
31 r.m.f.c. the trap
32 split enz dirty creature
33 LEGAL ID 12:00AM
34 joy division decades
35 joy division twenty four hours
36 walker brothers nite flights
37 eno and cluster base & apex
38 love and rockers the teardrop collector
39 12:25am end.

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