Playlist for Show: Long Waves

We have always been a mean people, which is why we spend so much time explaining that we are good, thumping our chests, and attacking anyone who disagrees with this. We live on the edge of modernism but are loathe to embrace it. Even modern science exists in the US solely to produce profit

Moreover, the undeniable visibility of empire and its values contradicts all democratic, civil, historical vales and beliefs of the polis.

The US continues to lie about the reasons for the destruction of countries, the degredation of regions, and soon perhaps entire continents. The power exists but few acknowledge the damage it does. One nation is destroyed, victory is declared, and the US  moves on to the next victim. The empire is now running on autopilot. The abject failure of Congress to remove the AUMF granted to JW Bush and reclaim its duty to vote on war powers before new conflicts can be engaged is prima facie evidence of the disfunction of Congress.

US troops are all over Africa. Why? On what missions? The US continues to tilt toward war with Syria, Iran, DPRK. Why?

This throws American ideas of itself into question and raises important issues about the transformation of American discourse into propaganda.

This show examines the techniques and discusses how propaganda causes people tend to return to conservative positions, lean on old stories from times when life was simpler, at least in their nostalgic memories. Cognitive dissonance is our common state of mental being.


# Artist Song Comments
1 Live DJ Legal ID 15:00
2 Underwriter 15:440
3 Vehicle Donation 15:48
4 Live DJ Legal ID 15:49

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